- fixed bug in solar recharge percentage computation
- added recharge at the end of the year to have the same battery level
at the start and end of the year
- added battery and charger efficiency simulation
- using kWh price (without counting subscription)
//<p>${Math.round(100*(simulationResult.cumulatedSolarRechargeEnergy/simulationResult.vehicle.batteryEfficiency) / simulationResult.totalProducedSolarEnergy)}% de l'énergie produite par le panneau photovoltaïque sera utilisée pour recharger le vhélio.</p>
batteryEfficiency: number=1.0;// TODO: typical efficiency of a Li-ion battery (round-trip) is 90%
batteryEfficiency: number=0.9;
gridTransformerEfficiency: number=0.85;
solarPanelEfficiency: number=0.15;
solarPanelEfficiency: number=0.15;
solarPanelArea: number=1.0;// in square meters
solarPanelArea: number=1.0;// in square meters
@ -59,19 +60,25 @@ namespace Simulator {
vehicle: Vehicle;
batteryLevel: number[];// Remaining energy in the battery over time (one entry per hour), in Wh
batteryLevel: number[];// Remaining energy in the battery over time (one entry per hour), in Wh
gridChargeCount: number;
gridChargeCount: number;
cumulatedGridRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the power grid, in Wh of battery charge (actual power grid consumption will be slightly higer due to losses)
cumulatedGridRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the power grid, in Wh of battery charge (actual power grid consumption will be slightly higer due to losses)
cumulatedSolarRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the solar panel, in Wh of battery charge (actual generated power is slightly higher due to losses)
cumulatedSolarRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the solar panel, in Wh of battery charge (actual generated power is slightly higher due to losses)
totalProducedSolarEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy produced (used or unused), before accounting for the battery recharge efficiency.
cumulatedMotorConsumption: number;// Cumulated energy consumed by the motor, in Wh. In this simulation, this is equal to the energy drawn from the battery.
cumulatedMotorConsumption: number;// Cumulated energy consumed by the motor, in Wh. In this simulation, this is equal to the energy drawn from the battery.