Monitoring system for electric vehicles (log various sensors, such as consumed power, solar production, speed, slope, apparent wind, etc.)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1358 lines
34 KiB

Asynchronous TCP library for Espressif MCUs
Copyright (c) 2016 Hristo Gochkov. All rights reserved.
This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "AsyncTCP.h"
extern "C"{
#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/tcp.h"
#include "lwip/inet.h"
#include "lwip/dns.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "esp_task_wdt.h"
* TCP/IP Event Task
* */
typedef enum {
} lwip_event_t;
typedef struct {
lwip_event_t event;
void *arg;
union {
struct {
void * pcb;
int8_t err;
} connected;
struct {
int8_t err;
} error;
struct {
tcp_pcb * pcb;
uint16_t len;
} sent;
struct {
tcp_pcb * pcb;
pbuf * pb;
int8_t err;
} recv;
struct {
tcp_pcb * pcb;
int8_t err;
} fin;
struct {
tcp_pcb * pcb;
} poll;
struct {
AsyncClient * client;
} accept;
struct {
const char * name;
ip_addr_t addr;
} dns;
} lwip_event_packet_t;
static xQueueHandle _async_queue;
static TaskHandle_t _async_service_task_handle = NULL;
SemaphoreHandle_t _slots_lock;
const int _number_of_closed_slots = CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_ACTIVE_TCP;
static uint32_t _closed_slots[_number_of_closed_slots];
static uint32_t _closed_index = []() {
_slots_lock = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
for (int i = 0; i < _number_of_closed_slots; ++ i) {
_closed_slots[i] = 1;
return 1;
static inline bool _init_async_event_queue(){
_async_queue = xQueueCreate(32, sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t *));
return false;
return true;
static inline bool _send_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t ** e){
return _async_queue && xQueueSend(_async_queue, e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS;
static inline bool _prepend_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t ** e){
return _async_queue && xQueueSendToFront(_async_queue, e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS;
static inline bool _get_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t ** e){
return _async_queue && xQueueReceive(_async_queue, e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS;
static bool _remove_events_with_arg(void * arg){
lwip_event_packet_t * first_packet = NULL;
lwip_event_packet_t * packet = NULL;
return false;
//figure out which is the first packet so we can keep the order
if(xQueueReceive(_async_queue, &first_packet, 0) != pdPASS){
return false;
//discard packet if matching
if((int)first_packet->arg == (int)arg){
first_packet = NULL;
//return first packet to the back of the queue
} else if(xQueueSend(_async_queue, &first_packet, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS){
return false;
while(xQueuePeek(_async_queue, &packet, 0) == pdPASS && packet != first_packet){
if(xQueueReceive(_async_queue, &packet, 0) != pdPASS){
return false;
if((int)packet->arg == (int)arg){
packet = NULL;
} else if(xQueueSend(_async_queue, &packet, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS){
return false;
return true;
static void _handle_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t * e){
if(e->arg == NULL){
// do nothing when arg is NULL
//ets_printf("event arg == NULL: 0x%08x\n", e->recv.pcb);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_CLEAR){
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_RECV){
//ets_printf("-R: 0x%08x\n", e->recv.pcb);
AsyncClient::_s_recv(e->arg, e->recv.pcb, e->recv.pb, e->recv.err);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_FIN){
//ets_printf("-F: 0x%08x\n", e->fin.pcb);
AsyncClient::_s_fin(e->arg, e->fin.pcb, e->fin.err);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_SENT){
//ets_printf("-S: 0x%08x\n", e->sent.pcb);
AsyncClient::_s_sent(e->arg, e->sent.pcb, e->sent.len);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_POLL){
//ets_printf("-P: 0x%08x\n", e->poll.pcb);
AsyncClient::_s_poll(e->arg, e->poll.pcb);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_ERROR){
//ets_printf("-E: 0x%08x %d\n", e->arg, e->error.err);
AsyncClient::_s_error(e->arg, e->error.err);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_CONNECTED){
//ets_printf("C: 0x%08x 0x%08x %d\n", e->arg, e->connected.pcb, e->connected.err);
AsyncClient::_s_connected(e->arg, e->connected.pcb, e->connected.err);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_ACCEPT){
//ets_printf("A: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", e->arg, e->accept.client);
AsyncServer::_s_accepted(e->arg, e->accept.client);
} else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_DNS){
//ets_printf("D: 0x%08x %s = %s\n", e->arg, e->, ipaddr_ntoa(&e->dns.addr));
AsyncClient::_s_dns_found(e->, &e->dns.addr, e->arg);
static void _async_service_task(void *pvParameters){
lwip_event_packet_t * packet = NULL;
for (;;) {
if(esp_task_wdt_add(NULL) != ESP_OK){
log_e("Failed to add async task to WDT");
if(esp_task_wdt_delete(NULL) != ESP_OK){
log_e("Failed to remove loop task from WDT");
_async_service_task_handle = NULL;
static void _stop_async_task(){
_async_service_task_handle = NULL;
static bool _start_async_task(){
return false;
xTaskCreateUniversal(_async_service_task, "async_tcp", 8192 * 2, NULL, 3, &_async_service_task_handle, CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_RUNNING_CORE);
return false;
return true;
* LwIP Callbacks
* */
static int8_t _tcp_clear_events(void * arg) {
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->event = LWIP_TCP_CLEAR;
e->arg = arg;
if (!_prepend_async_event(&e)) {
return ERR_OK;
static int8_t _tcp_connected(void * arg, tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err) {
//ets_printf("+C: 0x%08x\n", pcb);
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->arg = arg;
e->connected.pcb = pcb;
e->connected.err = err;
if (!_prepend_async_event(&e)) {
return ERR_OK;
static int8_t _tcp_poll(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb) {
//ets_printf("+P: 0x%08x\n", pcb);
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->event = LWIP_TCP_POLL;
e->arg = arg;
e->poll.pcb = pcb;
if (!_send_async_event(&e)) {
return ERR_OK;
static int8_t _tcp_recv(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, struct pbuf *pb, int8_t err) {
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->arg = arg;
//ets_printf("+R: 0x%08x\n", pcb);
e->event = LWIP_TCP_RECV;
e->recv.pcb = pcb;
e->recv.pb = pb;
e->recv.err = err;
} else {
//ets_printf("+F: 0x%08x\n", pcb);
e->event = LWIP_TCP_FIN;
e->fin.pcb = pcb;
e->fin.err = err;
//close the PCB in LwIP thread
AsyncClient::_s_lwip_fin(e->arg, e->fin.pcb, e->fin.err);
if (!_send_async_event(&e)) {
return ERR_OK;
static int8_t _tcp_sent(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, uint16_t len) {
//ets_printf("+S: 0x%08x\n", pcb);
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->event = LWIP_TCP_SENT;
e->arg = arg;
e->sent.pcb = pcb;
e->sent.len = len;
if (!_send_async_event(&e)) {
return ERR_OK;
static void _tcp_error(void * arg, int8_t err) {
//ets_printf("+E: 0x%08x\n", arg);
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->event = LWIP_TCP_ERROR;
e->arg = arg;
e->error.err = err;
if (!_send_async_event(&e)) {
static void _tcp_dns_found(const char * name, struct ip_addr * ipaddr, void * arg) {
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
//ets_printf("+DNS: name=%s ipaddr=0x%08x arg=%x\n", name, ipaddr, arg);
e->event = LWIP_TCP_DNS;
e->arg = arg;
e-> = name;
if (ipaddr) {
memcpy(&e->dns.addr, ipaddr, sizeof(struct ip_addr));
} else {
memset(&e->dns.addr, 0, sizeof(e->dns.addr));
if (!_send_async_event(&e)) {
//Used to switch out from LwIP thread
static int8_t _tcp_accept(void * arg, AsyncClient * client) {
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
e->event = LWIP_TCP_ACCEPT;
e->arg = arg;
e->accept.client = client;
if (!_prepend_async_event(&e)) {
return ERR_OK;
* TCP/IP API Calls
* */
#include "lwip/priv/tcpip_priv.h"
typedef struct {
struct tcpip_api_call_data call;
tcp_pcb * pcb;
int8_t closed_slot;
int8_t err;
union {
struct {
const char* data;
size_t size;
uint8_t apiflags;
} write;
size_t received;
struct {
ip_addr_t * addr;
uint16_t port;
tcp_connected_fn cb;
} connect;
struct {
ip_addr_t * addr;
uint16_t port;
} bind;
uint8_t backlog;
} tcp_api_call_t;
static err_t _tcp_output_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = ERR_CONN;
if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) {
msg->err = tcp_output(msg->pcb);
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_output(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot) {
return ERR_CONN;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = closed_slot;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_output_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_write_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = ERR_CONN;
if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) {
msg->err = tcp_write(msg->pcb, msg->, msg->write.size, msg->write.apiflags);
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_write(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot, const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags) {
return ERR_CONN;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; = data;
msg.write.size = size;
msg.write.apiflags = apiflags;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_write_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_recved_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = ERR_CONN;
if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) {
msg->err = 0;
tcp_recved(msg->pcb, msg->received);
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_recved(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot, size_t len) {
return ERR_CONN;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = closed_slot;
msg.received = len;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_recved_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_close_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = ERR_CONN;
if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) {
msg->err = tcp_close(msg->pcb);
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_close(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot) {
return ERR_CONN;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = closed_slot;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_close_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_abort_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = ERR_CONN;
if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) {
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_abort(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot) {
return ERR_CONN;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = closed_slot;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_abort_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_connect_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = tcp_connect(msg->pcb, msg->connect.addr, msg->connect.port, msg->connect.cb);
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_connect(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot, ip_addr_t * addr, uint16_t port, tcp_connected_fn cb) {
return ESP_FAIL;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = closed_slot;
msg.connect.addr = addr;
msg.connect.port = port;
msg.connect.cb = cb;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_connect_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_bind_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = tcp_bind(msg->pcb, msg->bind.addr, msg->bind.port);
return msg->err;
static esp_err_t _tcp_bind(tcp_pcb * pcb, ip_addr_t * addr, uint16_t port) {
return ESP_FAIL;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = -1;
msg.bind.addr = addr;
msg.bind.port = port;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_bind_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _tcp_listen_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){
tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = 0;
msg->pcb = tcp_listen_with_backlog(msg->pcb, msg->backlog);
return msg->err;
static tcp_pcb * _tcp_listen_with_backlog(tcp_pcb * pcb, uint8_t backlog) {
return NULL;
tcp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.closed_slot = -1;
msg.backlog = backlog?backlog:0xFF;
tcpip_api_call(_tcp_listen_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg);
return msg.pcb;
Async TCP Client
AsyncClient::AsyncClient(tcp_pcb* pcb)
: _connect_cb(0)
, _connect_cb_arg(0)
, _discard_cb(0)
, _discard_cb_arg(0)
, _sent_cb(0)
, _sent_cb_arg(0)
, _error_cb(0)
, _error_cb_arg(0)
, _recv_cb(0)
, _recv_cb_arg(0)
, _pb_cb(0)
, _pb_cb_arg(0)
, _timeout_cb(0)
, _timeout_cb_arg(0)
, _pcb_busy(false)
, _pcb_sent_at(0)
, _ack_pcb(true)
, _rx_last_packet(0)
, _rx_since_timeout(0)
, _ack_timeout(ASYNC_MAX_ACK_TIME)
, _connect_port(0)
, prev(NULL)
, next(NULL)
_pcb = pcb;
_closed_slot = -1;
_rx_last_packet = millis();
tcp_arg(_pcb, this);
tcp_recv(_pcb, &_tcp_recv);
tcp_sent(_pcb, &_tcp_sent);
tcp_err(_pcb, &_tcp_error);
tcp_poll(_pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1);
if(_pcb) {
* Operators
* */
AsyncClient& AsyncClient::operator=(const AsyncClient& other){
if (_pcb) {
_pcb = other._pcb;
_closed_slot = other._closed_slot;
if (_pcb) {
_rx_last_packet = millis();
tcp_arg(_pcb, this);
tcp_recv(_pcb, &_tcp_recv);
tcp_sent(_pcb, &_tcp_sent);
tcp_err(_pcb, &_tcp_error);
tcp_poll(_pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1);
return *this;
bool AsyncClient::operator==(const AsyncClient &other) {
return _pcb == other._pcb;
AsyncClient & AsyncClient::operator+=(const AsyncClient &other) {
if(next == NULL){
next = (AsyncClient*)(&other);
next->prev = this;
} else {
AsyncClient *c = next;
while(c->next != NULL) {
c = c->next;
c->next =(AsyncClient*)(&other);
c->next->prev = c;
return *this;
* Callback Setters
* */
void AsyncClient::onConnect(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){
_connect_cb = cb;
_connect_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onDisconnect(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){
_discard_cb = cb;
_discard_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onAck(AcAckHandler cb, void* arg){
_sent_cb = cb;
_sent_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onError(AcErrorHandler cb, void* arg){
_error_cb = cb;
_error_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onData(AcDataHandler cb, void* arg){
_recv_cb = cb;
_recv_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onPacket(AcPacketHandler cb, void* arg){
_pb_cb = cb;
_pb_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onTimeout(AcTimeoutHandler cb, void* arg){
_timeout_cb = cb;
_timeout_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncClient::onPoll(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){
_poll_cb = cb;
_poll_cb_arg = arg;
* Main Public Methods
* */
bool AsyncClient::connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port){
if (_pcb){
log_w("already connected, state %d", _pcb->state);
return false;
log_e("failed to start task");
return false;
ip_addr_t addr;
addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = ip;
tcp_pcb* pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_V4);
if (!pcb){
log_e("pcb == NULL");
return false;
tcp_arg(pcb, this);
tcp_err(pcb, &_tcp_error);
tcp_recv(pcb, &_tcp_recv);
tcp_sent(pcb, &_tcp_sent);
tcp_poll(pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1);
//_tcp_connect(pcb, &addr, port,(tcp_connected_fn)&_s_connected);
_tcp_connect(pcb, _closed_slot, &addr, port,(tcp_connected_fn)&_tcp_connected);
return true;
bool AsyncClient::connect(const char* host, uint16_t port){
ip_addr_t addr;
log_e("failed to start task");
return false;
err_t err = dns_gethostbyname(host, &addr, (dns_found_callback)&_tcp_dns_found, this);
if(err == ERR_OK) {
return connect(IPAddress(addr.u_addr.ip4.addr), port);
} else if(err == ERR_INPROGRESS) {
_connect_port = port;
return true;
log_e("error: %d", err);
return false;
void AsyncClient::close(bool now){
_tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, _rx_ack_len);
int8_t AsyncClient::abort(){
if(_pcb) {
_tcp_abort(_pcb, _closed_slot );
_pcb = NULL;
return ERR_ABRT;
size_t AsyncClient::space(){
if((_pcb != NULL) && (_pcb->state == 4)){
return tcp_sndbuf(_pcb);
return 0;
size_t AsyncClient::add(const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags) {
if(!_pcb || size == 0 || data == NULL) {
return 0;
size_t room = space();
if(!room) {
return 0;
size_t will_send = (room < size) ? room : size;
int8_t err = ERR_OK;
err = _tcp_write(_pcb, _closed_slot, data, will_send, apiflags);
if(err != ERR_OK) {
return 0;
return will_send;
bool AsyncClient::send(){
int8_t err = ERR_OK;
err = _tcp_output(_pcb, _closed_slot);
if(err == ERR_OK){
_pcb_busy = true;
_pcb_sent_at = millis();
return true;
return false;
size_t AsyncClient::ack(size_t len){
if(len > _rx_ack_len)
len = _rx_ack_len;
_tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, len);
_rx_ack_len -= len;
return len;
void AsyncClient::ackPacket(struct pbuf * pb){
_tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, pb->len);
* Main Private Methods
* */
int8_t AsyncClient::_close(){
//ets_printf("X: 0x%08x\n", (uint32_t)this);
int8_t err = ERR_OK;
if(_pcb) {
tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_sent(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_recv(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_err(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_poll(_pcb, NULL, 0);
err = _tcp_close(_pcb, _closed_slot);
if(err != ERR_OK) {
err = abort();
_pcb = NULL;
if(_discard_cb) {
_discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this);
return err;
void AsyncClient::_allocate_closed_slot(){
xSemaphoreTake(_slots_lock, portMAX_DELAY);
uint32_t closed_slot_min_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _number_of_closed_slots; ++ i) {
if ((_closed_slot == -1 || _closed_slots[i] <= closed_slot_min_index) && _closed_slots[i] != 0) {
closed_slot_min_index = _closed_slots[i];
_closed_slot = i;
if (_closed_slot != -1) {
_closed_slots[_closed_slot] = 0;
void AsyncClient::_free_closed_slot(){
if (_closed_slot != -1) {
_closed_slots[_closed_slot] = _closed_index;
_closed_slot = -1;
++ _closed_index;
* Private Callbacks
* */
int8_t AsyncClient::_connected(void* pcb, int8_t err){
_pcb = reinterpret_cast<tcp_pcb*>(pcb);
_rx_last_packet = millis();
_pcb_busy = false;
// tcp_recv(_pcb, &_tcp_recv);
// tcp_sent(_pcb, &_tcp_sent);
// tcp_poll(_pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1);
if(_connect_cb) {
_connect_cb(_connect_cb_arg, this);
return ERR_OK;
void AsyncClient::_error(int8_t err) {
tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL);
if(_pcb->state == LISTEN) {
tcp_sent(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_recv(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_err(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_poll(_pcb, NULL, 0);
_pcb = NULL;
if(_error_cb) {
_error_cb(_error_cb_arg, this, err);
if(_discard_cb) {
_discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this);
//In LwIP Thread
int8_t AsyncClient::_lwip_fin(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err) {
if(!_pcb || pcb != _pcb){
log_e("0x%08x != 0x%08x", (uint32_t)pcb, (uint32_t)_pcb);
return ERR_OK;
tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL);
if(_pcb->state == LISTEN) {
tcp_sent(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_recv(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_err(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_poll(_pcb, NULL, 0);
if(tcp_close(_pcb) != ERR_OK) {
_pcb = NULL;
return ERR_OK;
//In Async Thread
int8_t AsyncClient::_fin(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err) {
if(_discard_cb) {
_discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this);
return ERR_OK;
int8_t AsyncClient::_sent(tcp_pcb* pcb, uint16_t len) {
_rx_last_packet = millis();
//log_i("%u", len);
_pcb_busy = false;
if(_sent_cb) {
_sent_cb(_sent_cb_arg, this, len, (millis() - _pcb_sent_at));
return ERR_OK;
int8_t AsyncClient::_recv(tcp_pcb* pcb, pbuf* pb, int8_t err) {
while(pb != NULL) {
_rx_last_packet = millis();
//we should not ack before we assimilate the data
_ack_pcb = true;
pbuf *b = pb;
pb = b->next;
b->next = NULL;
_pb_cb(_pb_cb_arg, this, b);
} else {
if(_recv_cb) {
_recv_cb(_recv_cb_arg, this, b->payload, b->len);
if(!_ack_pcb) {
_rx_ack_len += b->len;
} else if(_pcb) {
_tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, b->len);
return ERR_OK;
int8_t AsyncClient::_poll(tcp_pcb* pcb){
log_w("pcb is NULL");
return ERR_OK;
if(pcb != _pcb){
log_e("0x%08x != 0x%08x", (uint32_t)pcb, (uint32_t)_pcb);
return ERR_OK;
uint32_t now = millis();
// ACK Timeout
if(_pcb_busy && _ack_timeout && (now - _pcb_sent_at) >= _ack_timeout){
_pcb_busy = false;
log_w("ack timeout %d", pcb->state);
_timeout_cb(_timeout_cb_arg, this, (now - _pcb_sent_at));
return ERR_OK;
// RX Timeout
if(_rx_since_timeout && (now - _rx_last_packet) >= (_rx_since_timeout * 1000)){
log_w("rx timeout %d", pcb->state);
return ERR_OK;
// Everything is fine
if(_poll_cb) {
_poll_cb(_poll_cb_arg, this);
return ERR_OK;
void AsyncClient::_dns_found(struct ip_addr *ipaddr){
if(ipaddr && ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr){
connect(IPAddress(ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr), _connect_port);
} else {
if(_error_cb) {
_error_cb(_error_cb_arg, this, -55);
if(_discard_cb) {
_discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this);
* Public Helper Methods
* */
void AsyncClient::stop() {
bool AsyncClient::free(){
if(!_pcb) {
return true;
if(_pcb->state == 0 || _pcb->state > 4) {
return true;
return false;
size_t AsyncClient::write(const char* data) {
if(data == NULL) {
return 0;
return write(data, strlen(data));
size_t AsyncClient::write(const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags) {
size_t will_send = add(data, size, apiflags);
if(!will_send || !send()) {
return 0;
return will_send;
void AsyncClient::setRxTimeout(uint32_t timeout){
_rx_since_timeout = timeout;
uint32_t AsyncClient::getRxTimeout(){
return _rx_since_timeout;
uint32_t AsyncClient::getAckTimeout(){
return _ack_timeout;
void AsyncClient::setAckTimeout(uint32_t timeout){
_ack_timeout = timeout;
void AsyncClient::setNoDelay(bool nodelay){
if(!_pcb) {
if(nodelay) {
} else {
bool AsyncClient::getNoDelay(){
if(!_pcb) {
return false;
return tcp_nagle_disabled(_pcb);
uint16_t AsyncClient::getMss(){
if(!_pcb) {
return 0;
return tcp_mss(_pcb);
uint32_t AsyncClient::getRemoteAddress() {
if(!_pcb) {
return 0;
return _pcb->remote_ip.u_addr.ip4.addr;
uint16_t AsyncClient::getRemotePort() {
if(!_pcb) {
return 0;
return _pcb->remote_port;
uint32_t AsyncClient::getLocalAddress() {
if(!_pcb) {
return 0;
return _pcb->local_ip.u_addr.ip4.addr;
uint16_t AsyncClient::getLocalPort() {
if(!_pcb) {
return 0;
return _pcb->local_port;
IPAddress AsyncClient::remoteIP() {
return IPAddress(getRemoteAddress());
uint16_t AsyncClient::remotePort() {
return getRemotePort();
IPAddress AsyncClient::localIP() {
return IPAddress(getLocalAddress());
uint16_t AsyncClient::localPort() {
return getLocalPort();
uint8_t AsyncClient::state() {
if(!_pcb) {
return 0;
return _pcb->state;
bool AsyncClient::connected(){
if (!_pcb) {
return false;
return _pcb->state == 4;
bool AsyncClient::connecting(){
if (!_pcb) {
return false;
return _pcb->state > 0 && _pcb->state < 4;
bool AsyncClient::disconnecting(){
if (!_pcb) {
return false;
return _pcb->state > 4 && _pcb->state < 10;
bool AsyncClient::disconnected(){
if (!_pcb) {
return true;
return _pcb->state == 0 || _pcb->state == 10;
bool AsyncClient::freeable(){
if (!_pcb) {
return true;
return _pcb->state == 0 || _pcb->state > 4;
bool AsyncClient::canSend(){
return space() > 0;
const char * AsyncClient::errorToString(int8_t error){
case ERR_OK: return "OK";
case ERR_MEM: return "Out of memory error";
case ERR_BUF: return "Buffer error";
case ERR_TIMEOUT: return "Timeout";
case ERR_RTE: return "Routing problem";
case ERR_INPROGRESS: return "Operation in progress";
case ERR_VAL: return "Illegal value";
case ERR_WOULDBLOCK: return "Operation would block";
case ERR_USE: return "Address in use";
case ERR_ALREADY: return "Already connected";
case ERR_CONN: return "Not connected";
case ERR_IF: return "Low-level netif error";
case ERR_ABRT: return "Connection aborted";
case ERR_RST: return "Connection reset";
case ERR_CLSD: return "Connection closed";
case ERR_ARG: return "Illegal argument";
case -55: return "DNS failed";
default: return "UNKNOWN";
const char * AsyncClient::stateToString(){
case 0: return "Closed";
case 1: return "Listen";
case 2: return "SYN Sent";
case 3: return "SYN Received";
case 4: return "Established";
case 5: return "FIN Wait 1";
case 6: return "FIN Wait 2";
case 7: return "Close Wait";
case 8: return "Closing";
case 9: return "Last ACK";
case 10: return "Time Wait";
default: return "UNKNOWN";
* Static Callbacks (LwIP C2C++ interconnect)
* */
void AsyncClient::_s_dns_found(const char * name, struct ip_addr * ipaddr, void * arg){
int8_t AsyncClient::_s_poll(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb) {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncClient*>(arg)->_poll(pcb);
int8_t AsyncClient::_s_recv(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, struct pbuf *pb, int8_t err) {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncClient*>(arg)->_recv(pcb, pb, err);
int8_t AsyncClient::_s_fin(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err) {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncClient*>(arg)->_fin(pcb, err);
int8_t AsyncClient::_s_lwip_fin(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err) {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncClient*>(arg)->_lwip_fin(pcb, err);
int8_t AsyncClient::_s_sent(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, uint16_t len) {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncClient*>(arg)->_sent(pcb, len);
void AsyncClient::_s_error(void * arg, int8_t err) {
int8_t AsyncClient::_s_connected(void * arg, void * pcb, int8_t err){
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncClient*>(arg)->_connected(pcb, err);
Async TCP Server
AsyncServer::AsyncServer(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port)
: _port(port)
, _addr(addr)
, _noDelay(false)
, _pcb(0)
, _connect_cb(0)
, _connect_cb_arg(0)
AsyncServer::AsyncServer(uint16_t port)
: _port(port)
, _addr((uint32_t) IPADDR_ANY)
, _noDelay(false)
, _pcb(0)
, _connect_cb(0)
, _connect_cb_arg(0)
void AsyncServer::onClient(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){
_connect_cb = cb;
_connect_cb_arg = arg;
void AsyncServer::begin(){
if(_pcb) {
log_e("failed to start task");
int8_t err;
_pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_V4);
if (!_pcb){
log_e("_pcb == NULL");
ip_addr_t local_addr;
local_addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
local_addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = (uint32_t) _addr;
err = _tcp_bind(_pcb, &local_addr, _port);
if (err != ERR_OK) {
_tcp_close(_pcb, -1);
log_e("bind error: %d", err);
static uint8_t backlog = 5;
_pcb = _tcp_listen_with_backlog(_pcb, backlog);
if (!_pcb) {
log_e("listen_pcb == NULL");
tcp_arg(_pcb, (void*) this);
tcp_accept(_pcb, &_s_accept);
void AsyncServer::end(){
tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL);
tcp_accept(_pcb, NULL);
if(tcp_close(_pcb) != ERR_OK){
_tcp_abort(_pcb, -1);
_pcb = NULL;
//runs on LwIP thread
int8_t AsyncServer::_accept(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err){
//ets_printf("+A: 0x%08x\n", pcb);
AsyncClient *c = new AsyncClient(pcb);
return _tcp_accept(this, c);
if(tcp_close(pcb) != ERR_OK){
return ERR_OK;
int8_t AsyncServer::_accepted(AsyncClient* client){
_connect_cb(_connect_cb_arg, client);
return ERR_OK;
void AsyncServer::setNoDelay(bool nodelay){
_noDelay = nodelay;
bool AsyncServer::getNoDelay(){
return _noDelay;
uint8_t AsyncServer::status(){
if (!_pcb) {
return 0;
return _pcb->state;
int8_t AsyncServer::_s_accept(void * arg, tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err){
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncServer*>(arg)->_accept(pcb, err);
int8_t AsyncServer::_s_accepted(void *arg, AsyncClient* client){
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncServer*>(arg)->_accepted(client);