/* Asynchronous TCP library for Espressif MCUs Copyright (c) 2016 Hristo Gochkov. All rights reserved. This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "Arduino.h" #include "AsyncTCP.h" extern "C"{ #include "lwip/opt.h" #include "lwip/tcp.h" #include "lwip/inet.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "lwip/err.h" } #include "esp_task_wdt.h" /* * TCP/IP Event Task * */ typedef enum { LWIP_TCP_SENT, LWIP_TCP_RECV, LWIP_TCP_FIN, LWIP_TCP_ERROR, LWIP_TCP_POLL, LWIP_TCP_CLEAR, LWIP_TCP_ACCEPT, LWIP_TCP_CONNECTED, LWIP_TCP_DNS } lwip_event_t; typedef struct { lwip_event_t event; void *arg; union { struct { void * pcb; int8_t err; } connected; struct { int8_t err; } error; struct { tcp_pcb * pcb; uint16_t len; } sent; struct { tcp_pcb * pcb; pbuf * pb; int8_t err; } recv; struct { tcp_pcb * pcb; int8_t err; } fin; struct { tcp_pcb * pcb; } poll; struct { AsyncClient * client; } accept; struct { const char * name; ip_addr_t addr; } dns; }; } lwip_event_packet_t; static xQueueHandle _async_queue; static TaskHandle_t _async_service_task_handle = NULL; SemaphoreHandle_t _slots_lock; const int _number_of_closed_slots = CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_ACTIVE_TCP; static uint32_t _closed_slots[_number_of_closed_slots]; static uint32_t _closed_index = []() { _slots_lock = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); xSemaphoreGive(_slots_lock); for (int i = 0; i < _number_of_closed_slots; ++ i) { _closed_slots[i] = 1; } return 1; }(); static inline bool _init_async_event_queue(){ if(!_async_queue){ _async_queue = xQueueCreate(32, sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t *)); if(!_async_queue){ return false; } } return true; } static inline bool _send_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t ** e){ return _async_queue && xQueueSend(_async_queue, e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS; } static inline bool _prepend_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t ** e){ return _async_queue && xQueueSendToFront(_async_queue, e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS; } static inline bool _get_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t ** e){ return _async_queue && xQueueReceive(_async_queue, e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS; } static bool _remove_events_with_arg(void * arg){ lwip_event_packet_t * first_packet = NULL; lwip_event_packet_t * packet = NULL; if(!_async_queue){ return false; } //figure out which is the first packet so we can keep the order while(!first_packet){ if(xQueueReceive(_async_queue, &first_packet, 0) != pdPASS){ return false; } //discard packet if matching if((int)first_packet->arg == (int)arg){ free(first_packet); first_packet = NULL; //return first packet to the back of the queue } else if(xQueueSend(_async_queue, &first_packet, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS){ return false; } } while(xQueuePeek(_async_queue, &packet, 0) == pdPASS && packet != first_packet){ if(xQueueReceive(_async_queue, &packet, 0) != pdPASS){ return false; } if((int)packet->arg == (int)arg){ free(packet); packet = NULL; } else if(xQueueSend(_async_queue, &packet, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS){ return false; } } return true; } static void _handle_async_event(lwip_event_packet_t * e){ if(e->arg == NULL){ // do nothing when arg is NULL //ets_printf("event arg == NULL: 0x%08x\n", e->recv.pcb); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_CLEAR){ _remove_events_with_arg(e->arg); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_RECV){ //ets_printf("-R: 0x%08x\n", e->recv.pcb); AsyncClient::_s_recv(e->arg, e->recv.pcb, e->recv.pb, e->recv.err); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_FIN){ //ets_printf("-F: 0x%08x\n", e->fin.pcb); AsyncClient::_s_fin(e->arg, e->fin.pcb, e->fin.err); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_SENT){ //ets_printf("-S: 0x%08x\n", e->sent.pcb); AsyncClient::_s_sent(e->arg, e->sent.pcb, e->sent.len); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_POLL){ //ets_printf("-P: 0x%08x\n", e->poll.pcb); AsyncClient::_s_poll(e->arg, e->poll.pcb); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_ERROR){ //ets_printf("-E: 0x%08x %d\n", e->arg, e->error.err); AsyncClient::_s_error(e->arg, e->error.err); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_CONNECTED){ //ets_printf("C: 0x%08x 0x%08x %d\n", e->arg, e->connected.pcb, e->connected.err); AsyncClient::_s_connected(e->arg, e->connected.pcb, e->connected.err); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_ACCEPT){ //ets_printf("A: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", e->arg, e->accept.client); AsyncServer::_s_accepted(e->arg, e->accept.client); } else if(e->event == LWIP_TCP_DNS){ //ets_printf("D: 0x%08x %s = %s\n", e->arg, e->dns.name, ipaddr_ntoa(&e->dns.addr)); AsyncClient::_s_dns_found(e->dns.name, &e->dns.addr, e->arg); } free((void*)(e)); } static void _async_service_task(void *pvParameters){ lwip_event_packet_t * packet = NULL; for (;;) { if(_get_async_event(&packet)){ #if CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_USE_WDT if(esp_task_wdt_add(NULL) != ESP_OK){ log_e("Failed to add async task to WDT"); } #endif _handle_async_event(packet); #if CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_USE_WDT if(esp_task_wdt_delete(NULL) != ESP_OK){ log_e("Failed to remove loop task from WDT"); } #endif } } vTaskDelete(NULL); _async_service_task_handle = NULL; } /* static void _stop_async_task(){ if(_async_service_task_handle){ vTaskDelete(_async_service_task_handle); _async_service_task_handle = NULL; } } */ static bool _start_async_task(){ if(!_init_async_event_queue()){ return false; } if(!_async_service_task_handle){ xTaskCreateUniversal(_async_service_task, "async_tcp", 8192 * 2, NULL, 3, &_async_service_task_handle, CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_RUNNING_CORE); if(!_async_service_task_handle){ return false; } } return true; } /* * LwIP Callbacks * */ static int8_t _tcp_clear_events(void * arg) { lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->event = LWIP_TCP_CLEAR; e->arg = arg; if (!_prepend_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } return ERR_OK; } static int8_t _tcp_connected(void * arg, tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err) { //ets_printf("+C: 0x%08x\n", pcb); lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->event = LWIP_TCP_CONNECTED; e->arg = arg; e->connected.pcb = pcb; e->connected.err = err; if (!_prepend_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } return ERR_OK; } static int8_t _tcp_poll(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb) { //ets_printf("+P: 0x%08x\n", pcb); lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->event = LWIP_TCP_POLL; e->arg = arg; e->poll.pcb = pcb; if (!_send_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } return ERR_OK; } static int8_t _tcp_recv(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, struct pbuf *pb, int8_t err) { lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->arg = arg; if(pb){ //ets_printf("+R: 0x%08x\n", pcb); e->event = LWIP_TCP_RECV; e->recv.pcb = pcb; e->recv.pb = pb; e->recv.err = err; } else { //ets_printf("+F: 0x%08x\n", pcb); e->event = LWIP_TCP_FIN; e->fin.pcb = pcb; e->fin.err = err; //close the PCB in LwIP thread AsyncClient::_s_lwip_fin(e->arg, e->fin.pcb, e->fin.err); } if (!_send_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } return ERR_OK; } static int8_t _tcp_sent(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, uint16_t len) { //ets_printf("+S: 0x%08x\n", pcb); lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->event = LWIP_TCP_SENT; e->arg = arg; e->sent.pcb = pcb; e->sent.len = len; if (!_send_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } return ERR_OK; } static void _tcp_error(void * arg, int8_t err) { //ets_printf("+E: 0x%08x\n", arg); lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->event = LWIP_TCP_ERROR; e->arg = arg; e->error.err = err; if (!_send_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } } static void _tcp_dns_found(const char * name, struct ip_addr * ipaddr, void * arg) { lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); //ets_printf("+DNS: name=%s ipaddr=0x%08x arg=%x\n", name, ipaddr, arg); e->event = LWIP_TCP_DNS; e->arg = arg; e->dns.name = name; if (ipaddr) { memcpy(&e->dns.addr, ipaddr, sizeof(struct ip_addr)); } else { memset(&e->dns.addr, 0, sizeof(e->dns.addr)); } if (!_send_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } } //Used to switch out from LwIP thread static int8_t _tcp_accept(void * arg, AsyncClient * client) { lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t)); e->event = LWIP_TCP_ACCEPT; e->arg = arg; e->accept.client = client; if (!_prepend_async_event(&e)) { free((void*)(e)); } return ERR_OK; } /* * TCP/IP API Calls * */ #include "lwip/priv/tcpip_priv.h" typedef struct { struct tcpip_api_call_data call; tcp_pcb * pcb; int8_t closed_slot; int8_t err; union { struct { const char* data; size_t size; uint8_t apiflags; } write; size_t received; struct { ip_addr_t * addr; uint16_t port; tcp_connected_fn cb; } connect; struct { ip_addr_t * addr; uint16_t port; } bind; uint8_t backlog; }; } tcp_api_call_t; static err_t _tcp_output_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = ERR_CONN; if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) { msg->err = tcp_output(msg->pcb); } return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_output(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot) { if(!pcb){ return ERR_CONN; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_output_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_write_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = ERR_CONN; if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) { msg->err = tcp_write(msg->pcb, msg->write.data, msg->write.size, msg->write.apiflags); } return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_write(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot, const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags) { if(!pcb){ return ERR_CONN; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; msg.write.data = data; msg.write.size = size; msg.write.apiflags = apiflags; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_write_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_recved_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = ERR_CONN; if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) { msg->err = 0; tcp_recved(msg->pcb, msg->received); } return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_recved(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot, size_t len) { if(!pcb){ return ERR_CONN; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; msg.received = len; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_recved_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_close_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = ERR_CONN; if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) { msg->err = tcp_close(msg->pcb); } return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_close(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot) { if(!pcb){ return ERR_CONN; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_close_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_abort_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = ERR_CONN; if(msg->closed_slot == -1 || !_closed_slots[msg->closed_slot]) { tcp_abort(msg->pcb); } return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_abort(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot) { if(!pcb){ return ERR_CONN; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_abort_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_connect_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = tcp_connect(msg->pcb, msg->connect.addr, msg->connect.port, msg->connect.cb); return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_connect(tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t closed_slot, ip_addr_t * addr, uint16_t port, tcp_connected_fn cb) { if(!pcb){ return ESP_FAIL; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = closed_slot; msg.connect.addr = addr; msg.connect.port = port; msg.connect.cb = cb; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_connect_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_bind_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = tcp_bind(msg->pcb, msg->bind.addr, msg->bind.port); return msg->err; } static esp_err_t _tcp_bind(tcp_pcb * pcb, ip_addr_t * addr, uint16_t port) { if(!pcb){ return ESP_FAIL; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = -1; msg.bind.addr = addr; msg.bind.port = port; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_bind_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.err; } static err_t _tcp_listen_api(struct tcpip_api_call_data *api_call_msg){ tcp_api_call_t * msg = (tcp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg; msg->err = 0; msg->pcb = tcp_listen_with_backlog(msg->pcb, msg->backlog); return msg->err; } static tcp_pcb * _tcp_listen_with_backlog(tcp_pcb * pcb, uint8_t backlog) { if(!pcb){ return NULL; } tcp_api_call_t msg; msg.pcb = pcb; msg.closed_slot = -1; msg.backlog = backlog?backlog:0xFF; tcpip_api_call(_tcp_listen_api, (struct tcpip_api_call_data*)&msg); return msg.pcb; } /* Async TCP Client */ AsyncClient::AsyncClient(tcp_pcb* pcb) : _connect_cb(0) , _connect_cb_arg(0) , _discard_cb(0) , _discard_cb_arg(0) , _sent_cb(0) , _sent_cb_arg(0) , _error_cb(0) , _error_cb_arg(0) , _recv_cb(0) , _recv_cb_arg(0) , _pb_cb(0) , _pb_cb_arg(0) , _timeout_cb(0) , _timeout_cb_arg(0) , _pcb_busy(false) , _pcb_sent_at(0) , _ack_pcb(true) , _rx_last_packet(0) , _rx_since_timeout(0) , _ack_timeout(ASYNC_MAX_ACK_TIME) , _connect_port(0) , prev(NULL) , next(NULL) { _pcb = pcb; _closed_slot = -1; if(_pcb){ _allocate_closed_slot(); _rx_last_packet = millis(); tcp_arg(_pcb, this); tcp_recv(_pcb, &_tcp_recv); tcp_sent(_pcb, &_tcp_sent); tcp_err(_pcb, &_tcp_error); tcp_poll(_pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1); } } AsyncClient::~AsyncClient(){ if(_pcb) { _close(); } _free_closed_slot(); } /* * Operators * */ AsyncClient& AsyncClient::operator=(const AsyncClient& other){ if (_pcb) { _close(); } _pcb = other._pcb; _closed_slot = other._closed_slot; if (_pcb) { _rx_last_packet = millis(); tcp_arg(_pcb, this); tcp_recv(_pcb, &_tcp_recv); tcp_sent(_pcb, &_tcp_sent); tcp_err(_pcb, &_tcp_error); tcp_poll(_pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1); } return *this; } bool AsyncClient::operator==(const AsyncClient &other) { return _pcb == other._pcb; } AsyncClient & AsyncClient::operator+=(const AsyncClient &other) { if(next == NULL){ next = (AsyncClient*)(&other); next->prev = this; } else { AsyncClient *c = next; while(c->next != NULL) { c = c->next; } c->next =(AsyncClient*)(&other); c->next->prev = c; } return *this; } /* * Callback Setters * */ void AsyncClient::onConnect(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){ _connect_cb = cb; _connect_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onDisconnect(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){ _discard_cb = cb; _discard_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onAck(AcAckHandler cb, void* arg){ _sent_cb = cb; _sent_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onError(AcErrorHandler cb, void* arg){ _error_cb = cb; _error_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onData(AcDataHandler cb, void* arg){ _recv_cb = cb; _recv_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onPacket(AcPacketHandler cb, void* arg){ _pb_cb = cb; _pb_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onTimeout(AcTimeoutHandler cb, void* arg){ _timeout_cb = cb; _timeout_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncClient::onPoll(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){ _poll_cb = cb; _poll_cb_arg = arg; } /* * Main Public Methods * */ bool AsyncClient::connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port){ if (_pcb){ log_w("already connected, state %d", _pcb->state); return false; } if(!_start_async_task()){ log_e("failed to start task"); return false; } ip_addr_t addr; addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4; addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = ip; tcp_pcb* pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_V4); if (!pcb){ log_e("pcb == NULL"); return false; } tcp_arg(pcb, this); tcp_err(pcb, &_tcp_error); tcp_recv(pcb, &_tcp_recv); tcp_sent(pcb, &_tcp_sent); tcp_poll(pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1); //_tcp_connect(pcb, &addr, port,(tcp_connected_fn)&_s_connected); _tcp_connect(pcb, _closed_slot, &addr, port,(tcp_connected_fn)&_tcp_connected); return true; } bool AsyncClient::connect(const char* host, uint16_t port){ ip_addr_t addr; if(!_start_async_task()){ log_e("failed to start task"); return false; } err_t err = dns_gethostbyname(host, &addr, (dns_found_callback)&_tcp_dns_found, this); if(err == ERR_OK) { return connect(IPAddress(addr.u_addr.ip4.addr), port); } else if(err == ERR_INPROGRESS) { _connect_port = port; return true; } log_e("error: %d", err); return false; } void AsyncClient::close(bool now){ if(_pcb){ _tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, _rx_ack_len); } _close(); } int8_t AsyncClient::abort(){ if(_pcb) { _tcp_abort(_pcb, _closed_slot ); _pcb = NULL; } return ERR_ABRT; } size_t AsyncClient::space(){ if((_pcb != NULL) && (_pcb->state == 4)){ return tcp_sndbuf(_pcb); } return 0; } size_t AsyncClient::add(const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags) { if(!_pcb || size == 0 || data == NULL) { return 0; } size_t room = space(); if(!room) { return 0; } size_t will_send = (room < size) ? room : size; int8_t err = ERR_OK; err = _tcp_write(_pcb, _closed_slot, data, will_send, apiflags); if(err != ERR_OK) { return 0; } return will_send; } bool AsyncClient::send(){ int8_t err = ERR_OK; err = _tcp_output(_pcb, _closed_slot); if(err == ERR_OK){ _pcb_busy = true; _pcb_sent_at = millis(); return true; } return false; } size_t AsyncClient::ack(size_t len){ if(len > _rx_ack_len) len = _rx_ack_len; if(len){ _tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, len); } _rx_ack_len -= len; return len; } void AsyncClient::ackPacket(struct pbuf * pb){ if(!pb){ return; } _tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, pb->len); pbuf_free(pb); } /* * Main Private Methods * */ int8_t AsyncClient::_close(){ //ets_printf("X: 0x%08x\n", (uint32_t)this); int8_t err = ERR_OK; if(_pcb) { //log_i(""); tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL); tcp_sent(_pcb, NULL); tcp_recv(_pcb, NULL); tcp_err(_pcb, NULL); tcp_poll(_pcb, NULL, 0); _tcp_clear_events(this); err = _tcp_close(_pcb, _closed_slot); if(err != ERR_OK) { err = abort(); } _pcb = NULL; if(_discard_cb) { _discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this); } } return err; } void AsyncClient::_allocate_closed_slot(){ xSemaphoreTake(_slots_lock, portMAX_DELAY); uint32_t closed_slot_min_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _number_of_closed_slots; ++ i) { if ((_closed_slot == -1 || _closed_slots[i] <= closed_slot_min_index) && _closed_slots[i] != 0) { closed_slot_min_index = _closed_slots[i]; _closed_slot = i; } } if (_closed_slot != -1) { _closed_slots[_closed_slot] = 0; } xSemaphoreGive(_slots_lock); } void AsyncClient::_free_closed_slot(){ if (_closed_slot != -1) { _closed_slots[_closed_slot] = _closed_index; _closed_slot = -1; ++ _closed_index; } } /* * Private Callbacks * */ int8_t AsyncClient::_connected(void* pcb, int8_t err){ _pcb = reinterpret_cast(pcb); if(_pcb){ _rx_last_packet = millis(); _pcb_busy = false; // tcp_recv(_pcb, &_tcp_recv); // tcp_sent(_pcb, &_tcp_sent); // tcp_poll(_pcb, &_tcp_poll, 1); } if(_connect_cb) { _connect_cb(_connect_cb_arg, this); } return ERR_OK; } void AsyncClient::_error(int8_t err) { if(_pcb){ tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL); if(_pcb->state == LISTEN) { tcp_sent(_pcb, NULL); tcp_recv(_pcb, NULL); tcp_err(_pcb, NULL); tcp_poll(_pcb, NULL, 0); } _pcb = NULL; } if(_error_cb) { _error_cb(_error_cb_arg, this, err); } if(_discard_cb) { _discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this); } } //In LwIP Thread int8_t AsyncClient::_lwip_fin(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err) { if(!_pcb || pcb != _pcb){ log_e("0x%08x != 0x%08x", (uint32_t)pcb, (uint32_t)_pcb); return ERR_OK; } tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL); if(_pcb->state == LISTEN) { tcp_sent(_pcb, NULL); tcp_recv(_pcb, NULL); tcp_err(_pcb, NULL); tcp_poll(_pcb, NULL, 0); } if(tcp_close(_pcb) != ERR_OK) { tcp_abort(_pcb); } _free_closed_slot(); _pcb = NULL; return ERR_OK; } //In Async Thread int8_t AsyncClient::_fin(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err) { _tcp_clear_events(this); if(_discard_cb) { _discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this); } return ERR_OK; } int8_t AsyncClient::_sent(tcp_pcb* pcb, uint16_t len) { _rx_last_packet = millis(); //log_i("%u", len); _pcb_busy = false; if(_sent_cb) { _sent_cb(_sent_cb_arg, this, len, (millis() - _pcb_sent_at)); } return ERR_OK; } int8_t AsyncClient::_recv(tcp_pcb* pcb, pbuf* pb, int8_t err) { while(pb != NULL) { _rx_last_packet = millis(); //we should not ack before we assimilate the data _ack_pcb = true; pbuf *b = pb; pb = b->next; b->next = NULL; if(_pb_cb){ _pb_cb(_pb_cb_arg, this, b); } else { if(_recv_cb) { _recv_cb(_recv_cb_arg, this, b->payload, b->len); } if(!_ack_pcb) { _rx_ack_len += b->len; } else if(_pcb) { _tcp_recved(_pcb, _closed_slot, b->len); } pbuf_free(b); } } return ERR_OK; } int8_t AsyncClient::_poll(tcp_pcb* pcb){ if(!_pcb){ log_w("pcb is NULL"); return ERR_OK; } if(pcb != _pcb){ log_e("0x%08x != 0x%08x", (uint32_t)pcb, (uint32_t)_pcb); return ERR_OK; } uint32_t now = millis(); // ACK Timeout if(_pcb_busy && _ack_timeout && (now - _pcb_sent_at) >= _ack_timeout){ _pcb_busy = false; log_w("ack timeout %d", pcb->state); if(_timeout_cb) _timeout_cb(_timeout_cb_arg, this, (now - _pcb_sent_at)); return ERR_OK; } // RX Timeout if(_rx_since_timeout && (now - _rx_last_packet) >= (_rx_since_timeout * 1000)){ log_w("rx timeout %d", pcb->state); _close(); return ERR_OK; } // Everything is fine if(_poll_cb) { _poll_cb(_poll_cb_arg, this); } return ERR_OK; } void AsyncClient::_dns_found(struct ip_addr *ipaddr){ if(ipaddr && ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr){ connect(IPAddress(ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr), _connect_port); } else { if(_error_cb) { _error_cb(_error_cb_arg, this, -55); } if(_discard_cb) { _discard_cb(_discard_cb_arg, this); } } } /* * Public Helper Methods * */ void AsyncClient::stop() { close(false); } bool AsyncClient::free(){ if(!_pcb) { return true; } if(_pcb->state == 0 || _pcb->state > 4) { return true; } return false; } size_t AsyncClient::write(const char* data) { if(data == NULL) { return 0; } return write(data, strlen(data)); } size_t AsyncClient::write(const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags) { size_t will_send = add(data, size, apiflags); if(!will_send || !send()) { return 0; } return will_send; } void AsyncClient::setRxTimeout(uint32_t timeout){ _rx_since_timeout = timeout; } uint32_t AsyncClient::getRxTimeout(){ return _rx_since_timeout; } uint32_t AsyncClient::getAckTimeout(){ return _ack_timeout; } void AsyncClient::setAckTimeout(uint32_t timeout){ _ack_timeout = timeout; } void AsyncClient::setNoDelay(bool nodelay){ if(!_pcb) { return; } if(nodelay) { tcp_nagle_disable(_pcb); } else { tcp_nagle_enable(_pcb); } } bool AsyncClient::getNoDelay(){ if(!_pcb) { return false; } return tcp_nagle_disabled(_pcb); } uint16_t AsyncClient::getMss(){ if(!_pcb) { return 0; } return tcp_mss(_pcb); } uint32_t AsyncClient::getRemoteAddress() { if(!_pcb) { return 0; } return _pcb->remote_ip.u_addr.ip4.addr; } uint16_t AsyncClient::getRemotePort() { if(!_pcb) { return 0; } return _pcb->remote_port; } uint32_t AsyncClient::getLocalAddress() { if(!_pcb) { return 0; } return _pcb->local_ip.u_addr.ip4.addr; } uint16_t AsyncClient::getLocalPort() { if(!_pcb) { return 0; } return _pcb->local_port; } IPAddress AsyncClient::remoteIP() { return IPAddress(getRemoteAddress()); } uint16_t AsyncClient::remotePort() { return getRemotePort(); } IPAddress AsyncClient::localIP() { return IPAddress(getLocalAddress()); } uint16_t AsyncClient::localPort() { return getLocalPort(); } uint8_t AsyncClient::state() { if(!_pcb) { return 0; } return _pcb->state; } bool AsyncClient::connected(){ if (!_pcb) { return false; } return _pcb->state == 4; } bool AsyncClient::connecting(){ if (!_pcb) { return false; } return _pcb->state > 0 && _pcb->state < 4; } bool AsyncClient::disconnecting(){ if (!_pcb) { return false; } return _pcb->state > 4 && _pcb->state < 10; } bool AsyncClient::disconnected(){ if (!_pcb) { return true; } return _pcb->state == 0 || _pcb->state == 10; } bool AsyncClient::freeable(){ if (!_pcb) { return true; } return _pcb->state == 0 || _pcb->state > 4; } bool AsyncClient::canSend(){ return space() > 0; } const char * AsyncClient::errorToString(int8_t error){ switch(error){ case ERR_OK: return "OK"; case ERR_MEM: return "Out of memory error"; case ERR_BUF: return "Buffer error"; case ERR_TIMEOUT: return "Timeout"; case ERR_RTE: return "Routing problem"; case ERR_INPROGRESS: return "Operation in progress"; case ERR_VAL: return "Illegal value"; case ERR_WOULDBLOCK: return "Operation would block"; case ERR_USE: return "Address in use"; case ERR_ALREADY: return "Already connected"; case ERR_CONN: return "Not connected"; case ERR_IF: return "Low-level netif error"; case ERR_ABRT: return "Connection aborted"; case ERR_RST: return "Connection reset"; case ERR_CLSD: return "Connection closed"; case ERR_ARG: return "Illegal argument"; case -55: return "DNS failed"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } const char * AsyncClient::stateToString(){ switch(state()){ case 0: return "Closed"; case 1: return "Listen"; case 2: return "SYN Sent"; case 3: return "SYN Received"; case 4: return "Established"; case 5: return "FIN Wait 1"; case 6: return "FIN Wait 2"; case 7: return "Close Wait"; case 8: return "Closing"; case 9: return "Last ACK"; case 10: return "Time Wait"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } /* * Static Callbacks (LwIP C2C++ interconnect) * */ void AsyncClient::_s_dns_found(const char * name, struct ip_addr * ipaddr, void * arg){ reinterpret_cast(arg)->_dns_found(ipaddr); } int8_t AsyncClient::_s_poll(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_poll(pcb); } int8_t AsyncClient::_s_recv(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, struct pbuf *pb, int8_t err) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_recv(pcb, pb, err); } int8_t AsyncClient::_s_fin(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_fin(pcb, err); } int8_t AsyncClient::_s_lwip_fin(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_lwip_fin(pcb, err); } int8_t AsyncClient::_s_sent(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * pcb, uint16_t len) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_sent(pcb, len); } void AsyncClient::_s_error(void * arg, int8_t err) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->_error(err); } int8_t AsyncClient::_s_connected(void * arg, void * pcb, int8_t err){ return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_connected(pcb, err); } /* Async TCP Server */ AsyncServer::AsyncServer(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port) : _port(port) , _addr(addr) , _noDelay(false) , _pcb(0) , _connect_cb(0) , _connect_cb_arg(0) {} AsyncServer::AsyncServer(uint16_t port) : _port(port) , _addr((uint32_t) IPADDR_ANY) , _noDelay(false) , _pcb(0) , _connect_cb(0) , _connect_cb_arg(0) {} AsyncServer::~AsyncServer(){ end(); } void AsyncServer::onClient(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg){ _connect_cb = cb; _connect_cb_arg = arg; } void AsyncServer::begin(){ if(_pcb) { return; } if(!_start_async_task()){ log_e("failed to start task"); return; } int8_t err; _pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_V4); if (!_pcb){ log_e("_pcb == NULL"); return; } ip_addr_t local_addr; local_addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4; local_addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = (uint32_t) _addr; err = _tcp_bind(_pcb, &local_addr, _port); if (err != ERR_OK) { _tcp_close(_pcb, -1); log_e("bind error: %d", err); return; } static uint8_t backlog = 5; _pcb = _tcp_listen_with_backlog(_pcb, backlog); if (!_pcb) { log_e("listen_pcb == NULL"); return; } tcp_arg(_pcb, (void*) this); tcp_accept(_pcb, &_s_accept); } void AsyncServer::end(){ if(_pcb){ tcp_arg(_pcb, NULL); tcp_accept(_pcb, NULL); if(tcp_close(_pcb) != ERR_OK){ _tcp_abort(_pcb, -1); } _pcb = NULL; } } //runs on LwIP thread int8_t AsyncServer::_accept(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err){ //ets_printf("+A: 0x%08x\n", pcb); if(_connect_cb){ AsyncClient *c = new AsyncClient(pcb); if(c){ c->setNoDelay(_noDelay); return _tcp_accept(this, c); } } if(tcp_close(pcb) != ERR_OK){ tcp_abort(pcb); } log_e("FAIL"); return ERR_OK; } int8_t AsyncServer::_accepted(AsyncClient* client){ if(_connect_cb){ _connect_cb(_connect_cb_arg, client); } return ERR_OK; } void AsyncServer::setNoDelay(bool nodelay){ _noDelay = nodelay; } bool AsyncServer::getNoDelay(){ return _noDelay; } uint8_t AsyncServer::status(){ if (!_pcb) { return 0; } return _pcb->state; } int8_t AsyncServer::_s_accept(void * arg, tcp_pcb * pcb, int8_t err){ return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_accept(pcb, err); } int8_t AsyncServer::_s_accepted(void *arg, AsyncClient* client){ return reinterpret_cast(arg)->_accepted(client); }