An arduino library to communicate using the Dallas one-wire protocol, where the Arduino takes the role of a slave. Implementation of a DS2413 on Arduino UNO and ATTINY85
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#include "OWSlave.h"
#define LEDPin 13
#define OWPin 2
#define InterruptNumber 0 // Must correspond to the OWPin to correctly detect state changes. On Arduino Uno, interrupt 0 is for digital pin 2
unsigned char rom[8] = {0xE2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00};
volatile long prevInt = 0; // Previous Interrupt micros
volatile boolean owReset = false;
OWSlave oneWire(OWPin);
void setup()
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(OWPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
void loop()
if (owReset) owHandler();
void owHandler(void)
if (oneWire.presence()) {
if (oneWire.recvAndProcessCmd()) {
uint8_t cmd = oneWire.recv();
if (cmd == 0x44) {
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
if (cmd == 0xBE) {
for( int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
void onewireInterrupt(void)
volatile long lastMicros = micros() - prevInt;
prevInt = micros();
if (lastMicros >= 410 && lastMicros <= 550)
// OneWire Reset Detected