delayMicroSeconds-=10;// remove overhead (tuned on Arduino Uno)
delayMicroSeconds-=10;// remove overhead (tuned on Arduino Uno)
// prescaler 64
shortskipTicks=(delayMicroSeconds-3)/4;// round the micro seconds delay to a number of ticks to skip (4us per tick, so 4us must skip 0 tick, 8us must skip 1 tick, etc.)
shortskipTicks=(delayMicroSeconds-3)/4;// round the micro seconds delay to a number of ticks to skip (4us per tick, so 4us must skip 0 tick, 8us must skip 1 tick, etc.)
//! Sets (or replaces) a function to be called when something is received. The callback is executed from interrupts and should be as short as possible. Failure to return quickly can prevent the library from correctly reading the next byte.
//! Sets (or replaces) a function to be called when something is received. The callback is executed from interrupts and should be as short as possible. Failure to return quickly can prevent the library from correctly reading the next byte.
//! Sets (or replaces) a function to be called when a bit is received. The byte reception callback is called after that if the received bit was the last of a byte. The callback is executed from interrupts and should be as short as possible. Failure to return quickly can prevent the library from correctly reading the next bit.
//! Sets (or replaces) a function to be called when a bit is received. The byte reception callback is called after that if the received bit was the last of a byte. The callback is executed from interrupts and should be as short as possible. Failure to return quickly can prevent the library from correctly reading the next bit.
//! Sets (or replaces) a function to be called when the library has a message to log, if the functionality is enabled in OneWireSlave.cpp. This is for debugging purposes.
//! Sets (or replaces) a function to be called when the library has a message to log, if the functionality is enabled in OneWireSlave.cpp. This is for debugging purposes.
//! Writes the specified bytes synchronously. This function blocks until the write operation has finished. Do not call from an interrupt handler! Returns true in case of success, false if an error occurs.
//! Writes the specified bytes synchronously. This function blocks until the write operation has finished. Do not call from an interrupt handler! Returns true in case of success, false if an error occurs.