forked from youen/assembly_handbook
2 years ago
3 changed files with 226 additions and 101 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import FreeCAD as App |
import FreeCADGui as Gui |
class RasterView: |
def __init__(self, view): |
self.source_view = view |
doc = view.Document |
self.image_file_name = doc.FileName.replace('.FCStd', '') + '_raster/' + view.Name + '.png' |
def init_image(self): |
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench |
doc = self.source_view.Document |
page = workbench.techDrawExtensions.getViewPage(self.source_view) |
image_name = self.source_view.Label + "_raster" |
image = doc.getObject(image_name) |
if image is None: |
image = doc.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewImage', image_name) |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth", "Assembly_handbook") |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight", "Assembly_handbook") |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth", "Assembly_handbook") |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyVector", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset", "Assembly_handbook") |
if not image in page.Views: |
page.addView(image) |
new_views_list = page.Views |
new_views_list.remove(image) |
view_idx = new_views_list.index(self.source_view) |
new_views_list.insert(view_idx, image) |
page.Views = new_views_list |
self.image_view = image |
if image.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth > 0: |
self.init_image_projection() |
def init_image_projection(self): |
YDirection = self.source_view.Direction.cross(self.source_view.XDirection) |
self.image_x_dir = self.source_view.XDirection / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth |
self.image_y_dir = YDirection / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight |
self.image_z_dir = self.source_view.Direction / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth |
self.image_x_dir_inv = self.source_view.XDirection * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth |
self.image_y_dir_inv = YDirection * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight |
self.image_z_dir_inv = self.source_view.Direction * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth |
def project3DPointToImageView(self, point3d): |
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset |
return App.Vector( + offset.x, + offset.y, + offset.z) |
def projectImageViewPointTo3D(self, point2d): |
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset |
p = point2d - offset |
return self.image_x_dir_inv * p.x + self.image_y_dir_inv * p.y + self.image_z_dir_inv * p.z |
def render(self): |
from pivy import coin |
import os |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops |
view = self.source_view |
self.init_image() |
print('Rasterizing ' + view.Label + " to " + self.image_file_name + "...") |
dir = os.path.dirname(self.image_file_name) |
if not os.path.exists(dir): |
os.makedirs(dir) |
doc = App.newDocument('tmp_raster', hidden=False, temp=False) |
for part in view.XSource: |
link = doc.addObject('App::Link', part.Name) |
link.Label = part.Label |
if part.TypeId == 'App::Link': |
link.LinkedObject = part.LinkedObject |
link.Placement = part.Placement |
else: |
link.LinkedObject = part |
docView = Gui.getDocument(doc.Name).mdiViewsOfType('Gui::View3DInventor')[0] |
cam = docView.getCameraNode() |
rot = coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1,0,0), coin.SbVec3f(view.XDirection.x,view.XDirection.y,view.XDirection.z)) |
rot *= coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,1), coin.SbVec3f(view.Direction.x,view.Direction.y,view.Direction.z)) |
cam.orientation.setValue(rot) |
docView.fitAll() |
viewVolume = cam.getViewVolume(0.0) |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth = viewVolume.getWidth() |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight = viewVolume.getHeight() |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth = viewVolume.getDepth() |
sb_offset = viewVolume.projectToScreen(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,0)) |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset = App.Vector(sb_offset[0], sb_offset[1], sb_offset[2]) |
self.init_image_projection() |
docView.saveImage(self.image_file_name, 4096, 4096, "#ffffff") |
with as img: |
original_size = img.size |
p2dA = self.project3DPointToImageView(App.Vector(0,0,0)) |
p2dB = self.project3DPointToImageView(view.XDirection) |
imageScale = view.Scale / (p2dB.x - p2dA.x) / original_size[0] * 10 |
#print('imageScale', imageScale) |
bg =, img.size, '#ffffff') # fills an image with the background color |
diff = ImageChops.difference(img, bg) # diff between the actual image and the background color |
bbox = diff.getbbox() # finds border size (non-black portion of the image) |
print(bbox) |
#image_center = (bbox[0] + (bbox[2] - bbox[0])/2 - img.size[0]/2, bbox[1] + (bbox[3] - bbox[1])/2 - img.size[1]/2) |
#print(image_center) |
img = img.crop(bbox) |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) |
def debugPoint(p3d): |
p2d = self.project3DPointToImageView(p3d) |
pp = App.Vector(p2d.x * original_size[0] - bbox[0], (1.0-p2d.y) * original_size[1] - bbox[1]) |
#print('pp', pp) |
len = 100 |
draw.line([(pp.x, pp.y-len), (pp.x, pp.y+len)], fill=128, width = 7) |
draw.line([(pp.x-len, pp.y), (pp.x+len, pp.y)], fill=128, width = 7) |
#debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, 37.5, 25.0)) |
#debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, -1387.5, 25.0)) |
#debugPoint(App.Vector(131.23702882966705, -655.0000021095163, 145.21130178331268)) |
|||| |
App.closeDocument(doc.Name) |
image = self.image_view |
image.ImageFile = "" |
image.Scale = imageScale |
image.X = view.X |
image.Y = view.Y |
image.ImageFile = self.image_file_name # TODO: see if it's possible to set a relative path |
image.recompute() |
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