rasterized image automatic alignment with TechDraw view (wip)

This commit is contained in:
Youen 2022-12-24 16:39:29 +01:00
parent be9ff003e3
commit 14e8aee319

View File

@ -121,7 +121,11 @@ class TechDrawExtensions:
page.Views = new_views_list
image_file_name = doc.FileName.replace('.FCStd', '') + '_raster/' + view.Name + '.png'
self.rasterizeView(view, image_file_name)
image_scale = self.rasterizeView(view, image_file_name)
image.ImageFile = ""
image.Scale = image_scale
image.X = view.X #- image_center[0]/10.0*image_scale
image.Y = view.Y #+ image_center[1]/10.0*image_scale
image.ImageFile = image_file_name # TODO: see if it's possible to set a relative path
@ -230,6 +234,7 @@ class TechDrawExtensions:
def rasterizeView(self, view, image_file_name):
from pivy import coin
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops
print('Rasterizing ' + view.Label + " to " + image_file_name + "...")
@ -257,9 +262,55 @@ class TechDrawExtensions:
viewVolume = cam.getViewVolume(0.0)
docView.saveImage(image_file_name, 4096, 4096, "#ffffff")
def project3dPointToViewport(p3d):
YDirection = view.Direction.cross(view.XDirection)
sb_offset = viewVolume.projectToScreen(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,0))
offset = App.Vector(sb_offset[0], sb_offset[1], 0)
#print('offset', offset)
p2d = App.Vector(view.XDirection.dot(p3d)/viewVolume.getWidth() + offset.x, YDirection.dot(p3d)/viewVolume.getHeight() + offset.y, 0)
return p2d
p2dA = project3dPointToViewport(App.Vector(0,0,0))
p2dB = project3dPointToViewport(view.XDirection)
# page_mm = (p2dB.x - p2dA.x) * resX / 100 * PNGscale = viewScale
imageScale = view.Scale / (p2dB.x - p2dA.x) / 4096.0 * 10
print('imageScale', imageScale)
with Image.open(image_file_name) as img:
original_size = img.size
bg = Image.new(img.mode, img.size, '#ffffff') # fills an image with the background color
diff = ImageChops.difference(img, bg) # diff between the actual image and the background color
bbox = diff.getbbox() # finds border size (non-black portion of the image)
#image_center = (bbox[0] + (bbox[2] - bbox[0])/2 - img.size[0]/2, bbox[1] + (bbox[3] - bbox[1])/2 - img.size[1]/2)
img = img.crop(bbox)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
def debugPoint(p3d):
p2d = project3dPointToViewport(p3d)
pp = App.Vector(p2d.x * original_size[0] - bbox[0], (1.0-p2d.y) * original_size[1] - bbox[1])
#print('pp', pp)
len = 100
draw.line([(pp.x, pp.y-len), (pp.x, pp.y+len)], fill=128, width = 7)
draw.line([(pp.x-len, pp.y), (pp.x+len, pp.y)], fill=128, width = 7)
#debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, 37.5, 25.0))
#debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, -1387.5, 25.0))
#debugPoint(App.Vector(131.23702882966705, -655.0000021095163, 145.21130178331268))
return imageScale
def updateBalloonCursor(self, view):
selected_balloons = []
@ -406,7 +457,7 @@ class TechDrawExtensions:
view = balloon.SourceView
obj = self.getBalloonSourcePart(balloon)
partDisplayName = self.getPartDisplayName(obj)
partDisplayName = 'Inconnu' if obj is None else self.getPartDisplayName(obj)
objectCenterView = workbench.techDrawExtensions.computePartCenter(view, obj)