Monitoring system for electric vehicles (log various sensors, such as consumed power, solar production, speed, slope, apparent wind, etc.)
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import m from 'mithril';
import { NumericValue } from 'components/widgets/numeric-value';
import { Pipe } from 'utilities/pipe';
export class Gauge extends NumericValue {
protected bars: SVGGeometryElement[] = [];
private displayedValue = 0.0;
private targetValue = 0.0;
private valueChangeRate = 0.0;
private litBars = 0;
private animating = false;
private shuttingDown = false;
private lastGaugeUpdate = 0.0;
private lastAnimationTick = 0.0;
constructor(vnode: any) {
onbeforeremove(vnode: m.Vnode<{}, {}>) {
this.shuttingDown = true;
protected graphicalRepresentation(vnode: m.Vnode<{}, {}>): m.Children {
return <svg></svg>;
protected onValueChange(value: number) {
let now = / 1000.0;
let ratio = value / (this.maxValue || 1.0);
let numBars = this.bars.length;
let threshold = 0.33 / numBars;
if(ratio > this.targetValue + threshold || ratio < this.targetValue - threshold) {
let animationTime = this.lastGaugeUpdate == 0.0 ? 0.0001 : Math.max(0.0001, Math.min(0.75, now - this.lastGaugeUpdate));
this.valueChangeRate = (ratio - this.displayedValue) / animationTime;
this.targetValue = ratio;
this.lastGaugeUpdate = now;
private enableAnimation() {
if(this.animating) return;
this.animating = true;
this.lastAnimationTick = / 1000.0 - 0.016;
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animate());
private animate() {
if(this.shuttingDown) return;
if(this.valueChangeRate == 0.0) {
this.animating = false;
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animate());
let now = / 1000.0;
if(now > this.lastAnimationTick + 0.75) {
this.displayedValue = this.targetValue;
this.valueChangeRate = 0.0;
else {
let dt = now - this.lastAnimationTick;
if(dt < 0.04) return; // limit framerate to save battery
this.displayedValue += this.valueChangeRate * dt;
if((this.displayedValue > this.targetValue) == (this.valueChangeRate > 0.0)) {
this.displayedValue = this.targetValue;
this.valueChangeRate = 0.0;
this.lastAnimationTick = now;
let numBars = this.bars.length;
let litBars = Math.round(this.displayedValue * numBars);
if(litBars == this.litBars)
this.litBars = litBars;
for(let barIdx = 0; barIdx < numBars; ++barIdx) {
let bar = this.bars[barIdx];
let isLit = barIdx < litBars;
if(bar.classList.contains('lit') != isLit)
bar.classList.toggle('lit', isLit);