Pt = Ph + Pm = max(0, Pp + Pa + k*v + f*wv²) Pp = -m*g*vv Pa = 1/2*m*(vdt² - v0²)/dt = m*a*(v0 + 1/2*a*dt) Pt: total power, in W Ph: mechanical human power, in W Pm: mechanical motor power, in W ; this is not the electrical power, as the motor has an efficiency lower than 1 Pp: potential power (in W, due to potential energy change) Pa: acceleration power (in W, due to kinetic energy change) k: kinetic friction coefficient (dry friction) f: fluid friction coefficient (air friction) v: velocity, in m/s, assumed to be always positive or zero vv: vertical velocity (in m/s, positive when going uphill) wv: wind velocity, in m/s (velocity of the wind relatively to the vehicle, projected on the forward direction, can be approximated by wv = v) g: gravity constant (-9.8 m.s⁻²) m: mass in kg vehicle constants: - mass (m), including driver, passengers and other payloads ; easy to measure directly - kinetic friction coefficient (k) ; difficult to measure, needs to be estimated from monitoring data - fluid friction coefficient (f) ; difficult to measure, needs to be estimated from monitoring data