/* Asynchronous TCP library for Espressif MCUs Copyright (c) 2016 Hristo Gochkov. All rights reserved. This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef ASYNCTCP_H_ #define ASYNCTCP_H_ #include "IPAddress.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include extern "C" { #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "lwip/pbuf.h" } //If core is not defined, then we are running in Arduino or PIO #ifndef CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_RUNNING_CORE #define CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_RUNNING_CORE -1 //any available core #define CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_USE_WDT 1 //if enabled, adds between 33us and 200us per event #endif class AsyncClient; #define ASYNC_MAX_ACK_TIME 5000 #define ASYNC_WRITE_FLAG_COPY 0x01 //will allocate new buffer to hold the data while sending (else will hold reference to the data given) #define ASYNC_WRITE_FLAG_MORE 0x02 //will not send PSH flag, meaning that there should be more data to be sent before the application should react. typedef std::function AcConnectHandler; typedef std::function AcAckHandler; typedef std::function AcErrorHandler; typedef std::function AcDataHandler; typedef std::function AcPacketHandler; typedef std::function AcTimeoutHandler; struct tcp_pcb; struct ip_addr; class AsyncClient { public: AsyncClient(tcp_pcb* pcb = 0); ~AsyncClient(); AsyncClient & operator=(const AsyncClient &other); AsyncClient & operator+=(const AsyncClient &other); bool operator==(const AsyncClient &other); bool operator!=(const AsyncClient &other) { return !(*this == other); } bool connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port); bool connect(const char* host, uint16_t port); void close(bool now = false); void stop(); int8_t abort(); bool free(); bool canSend();//ack is not pending size_t space();//space available in the TCP window size_t add(const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags=ASYNC_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);//add for sending bool send();//send all data added with the method above //write equals add()+send() size_t write(const char* data); size_t write(const char* data, size_t size, uint8_t apiflags=ASYNC_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); //only when canSend() == true uint8_t state(); bool connecting(); bool connected(); bool disconnecting(); bool disconnected(); bool freeable();//disconnected or disconnecting uint16_t getMss(); uint32_t getRxTimeout(); void setRxTimeout(uint32_t timeout);//no RX data timeout for the connection in seconds uint32_t getAckTimeout(); void setAckTimeout(uint32_t timeout);//no ACK timeout for the last sent packet in milliseconds void setNoDelay(bool nodelay); bool getNoDelay(); uint32_t getRemoteAddress(); uint16_t getRemotePort(); uint32_t getLocalAddress(); uint16_t getLocalPort(); //compatibility IPAddress remoteIP(); uint16_t remotePort(); IPAddress localIP(); uint16_t localPort(); void onConnect(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //on successful connect void onDisconnect(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //disconnected void onAck(AcAckHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //ack received void onError(AcErrorHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //unsuccessful connect or error void onData(AcDataHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //data received (called if onPacket is not used) void onPacket(AcPacketHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //data received void onTimeout(AcTimeoutHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //ack timeout void onPoll(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg = 0); //every 125ms when connected void ackPacket(struct pbuf * pb);//ack pbuf from onPacket size_t ack(size_t len); //ack data that you have not acked using the method below void ackLater(){ _ack_pcb = false; } //will not ack the current packet. Call from onData const char * errorToString(int8_t error); const char * stateToString(); //Do not use any of the functions below! static int8_t _s_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb); static int8_t _s_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *pb, int8_t err); static int8_t _s_fin(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, int8_t err); static int8_t _s_lwip_fin(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, int8_t err); static void _s_error(void *arg, int8_t err); static int8_t _s_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, uint16_t len); static int8_t _s_connected(void* arg, void* tpcb, int8_t err); static void _s_dns_found(const char *name, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, void *arg); int8_t _recv(tcp_pcb* pcb, pbuf* pb, int8_t err); tcp_pcb * pcb(){ return _pcb; } protected: tcp_pcb* _pcb; int8_t _closed_slot; AcConnectHandler _connect_cb; void* _connect_cb_arg; AcConnectHandler _discard_cb; void* _discard_cb_arg; AcAckHandler _sent_cb; void* _sent_cb_arg; AcErrorHandler _error_cb; void* _error_cb_arg; AcDataHandler _recv_cb; void* _recv_cb_arg; AcPacketHandler _pb_cb; void* _pb_cb_arg; AcTimeoutHandler _timeout_cb; void* _timeout_cb_arg; AcConnectHandler _poll_cb; void* _poll_cb_arg; bool _pcb_busy; uint32_t _pcb_sent_at; bool _ack_pcb; uint32_t _rx_ack_len; uint32_t _rx_last_packet; uint32_t _rx_since_timeout; uint32_t _ack_timeout; uint16_t _connect_port; int8_t _close(); void _free_closed_slot(); void _allocate_closed_slot(); int8_t _connected(void* pcb, int8_t err); void _error(int8_t err); int8_t _poll(tcp_pcb* pcb); int8_t _sent(tcp_pcb* pcb, uint16_t len); int8_t _fin(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err); int8_t _lwip_fin(tcp_pcb* pcb, int8_t err); void _dns_found(struct ip_addr *ipaddr); public: AsyncClient* prev; AsyncClient* next; }; class AsyncServer { public: AsyncServer(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port); AsyncServer(uint16_t port); ~AsyncServer(); void onClient(AcConnectHandler cb, void* arg); void begin(); void end(); void setNoDelay(bool nodelay); bool getNoDelay(); uint8_t status(); //Do not use any of the functions below! static int8_t _s_accept(void *arg, tcp_pcb* newpcb, int8_t err); static int8_t _s_accepted(void *arg, AsyncClient* client); protected: uint16_t _port; IPAddress _addr; bool _noDelay; tcp_pcb* _pcb; AcConnectHandler _connect_cb; void* _connect_cb_arg; int8_t _accept(tcp_pcb* newpcb, int8_t err); int8_t _accepted(AsyncClient* client); }; #endif /* ASYNCTCP_H_ */