Monitoring system for electric vehicles (log various sensors, such as consumed power, solar production, speed, slope, apparent wind, etc.)
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#include <Arduino.h>
#include "IDECompat.h"
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include "ADC.h"
#include "wifi-credentials.h"
AsyncWebServer server(80);
ADC currentSensor(36);
ADC batterySensor(39);
const int8_t speedSensorPin = 13;
const int8_t debugLedPin = 12;
const float wheelDiameterInches = 20;
const int numImpulsesPerTurn = 2;
const float wheelCircumferenceMeters = wheelDiameterInches * 0.0254f * 3.1415f / (float)numImpulsesPerTurn;
int16_t batteryVoltage = -1; // in mV
int16_t batteryCurrent = -1; // in mV
volatile bool debugLedState = true;
volatile bool speedSensorState = false;
volatile unsigned long speedSensorRiseTime = 0;
volatile unsigned long speedSensorLastImpulseTime = 0;
volatile unsigned long speedSensorLastImpulseInterval = (unsigned long)-1; // in milliseconds
void IRAM_ATTR onSpeedSensorChange(bool newState)
if(speedSensorState == newState) return;
unsigned long now = millis();
speedSensorState = newState;
bool magnetDetected = !speedSensorState; // the magnet closes the contact which pulls the pin low
speedSensorRiseTime = now;
unsigned long impulseDuration = now > speedSensorRiseTime ? now - speedSensorRiseTime : (4294967295 - speedSensorRiseTime) + now; // if now is lower than speedSensorRiseTime, it means millis() has overflowed (happens every 50 days)
if(impulseDuration > 1000) return; // impulse was too long, ignore it (maybe magnet stopped near the sensor)
debugLedState = !debugLedState;
digitalWrite(debugLedPin, debugLedState ? HIGH : LOW);
unsigned long timeSinceLastImpulse = now > speedSensorLastImpulseTime ? now - speedSensorLastImpulseTime : (4294967295 - speedSensorLastImpulseTime) + now;
speedSensorLastImpulseTime = now;
if(timeSinceLastImpulse > 30 && timeSinceLastImpulse < 4000)
speedSensorLastImpulseInterval = timeSinceLastImpulse;
speedSensorLastImpulseInterval = (unsigned long)-1;
void IRAM_ATTR onSpeedSensorChange() { onSpeedSensorChange(digitalRead(speedSensorPin) == HIGH); }
float getSpeed()
unsigned long now = millis();
unsigned long lastImpulseInterval = speedSensorLastImpulseInterval;
unsigned long lastImpulseTime = speedSensorLastImpulseTime;
unsigned long timeSinceLastImpulse = now > lastImpulseTime ? now - lastImpulseTime : (4294967295 - lastImpulseTime) + now;
unsigned long interval = timeSinceLastImpulse > lastImpulseInterval * 10 / 9 ? timeSinceLastImpulse : lastImpulseInterval;
float speed = wheelCircumferenceMeters / (float)interval * 1000.0f; // in meters per second
if(speed < 0.25f) return 0.0f; // if speed is very low (less than 1km/h) it probably means we've stopped
return speed;
void setup()
pinMode(speedSensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(speedSensorPin, &onSpeedSensorChange, CHANGE);
pinMode(debugLedPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(debugLedPin, debugLedState ? HIGH : LOW);
Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Failed");
// Connect to Wi-Fi
WiFi.begin(wifi_ssid, wifi_password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("Connecting to Wifi...");
// Print ESP Local IP Address
Serial.print("Wifi connected, ip=");
server.on("/api/status", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
int v = batteryVoltage;
int c = batteryCurrent;
int s = (int)(getSpeed() * 1000.0f + 0.5f);
char json[128];
sprintf(json, "{\"v\":%d,\"c\":%d,\"s\":%d}", v, c, s);
request->send(200, "text/json", json);
// Special case to send index.html without caching
server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){ request->send(SPIFFS, "/www/index.html", "text/html"); });
server.serveStatic("/index.html", SPIFFS, "/www/index.html");
// Other static files are cached (index.html knows whether to ignore caching or not for each file)
server.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, "/www/").setCacheControl("max-age=5184000");
Serial.println("HTTP server started");
void loop()
const int numSamples = 100;
float averageV = 0.0f;
float averageC = 0.0f;
for(int sample = 0; sample < numSamples; ++sample)
float v =;
float c =;
averageV += v;
averageC += c;
averageV /= (float)numSamples;
averageC /= (float)numSamples;
if(averageV < 0.2f) averageV = 0.0f;
averageV *= 27.000f; // account for voltage divider to retrieve the input voltage
averageC = max(0.0f, averageC - 2.5f) / 0.0238f; // convert voltage to current, according to the sensor linear relation
// TODO: mutex ?
batteryVoltage = (int16_t)(averageV * 1000.0f + 0.5f);
batteryCurrent = (int16_t)(averageC * 1000.0f + 0.5f);