Python web app to publish documentation compiled using Sphinx
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

242 lines
9.1 KiB

import os
import uuid
from flask import current_app
from web_utils.task import ProcessTask
from web_utils.business_exception import BusinessException
import shutil
from unicodedata import normalize
from urllib.parse import quote as url_encode
from urllib.parse import unquote as url_decode
import string
import json
def os_path_separators():
seps = ['/','\\']
for sep in os.path.sep, os.path.altsep:
if sep:
return seps
def sanitize_name(initial_name, slashReplacement = '_', removeUnknownCharacters = True):
# Sort out unicode characters
name = normalize('NFKD', initial_name).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
# Replace path separators
for sep in os_path_separators():
name = name.replace(sep, slashReplacement)
# Ensure only valid characters
if removeUnknownCharacters:
valid_chars = "-_.{0}{1}{2}".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits, slashReplacement)
name = "".join(ch for ch in name if ch in valid_chars)
if len(name) == 0 or '..' in name:
raise BusinessException("Invalid name: " + initial_name)
return name
class Document:
def __init__(self, origin, doc_name, branch = 'master', allow_invalid = False):
self.origin = Document.decode_origin(origin) if '!' in origin else origin
self.encoded_origin = Document.encode_origin(self.origin)
self.doc_name = doc_name
self.branch = branch
doc_path = Document.make_doc_path(self.origin, doc_name, branch)
if not os.path.isdir(doc_path + "/repo/.git"):
if allow_invalid:
self.valid = False
raise BusinessException("This document does not exist: "+self.origin+'/'+doc_name+"@"+branch)
self.doc_path = doc_path
self.valid = True
# Init default values
self.settings = {
'multiversion': False,
'default_version': '', # Only used if multiversion is True
'build_pdf': False, # for multiversion, this can be set to an array of strings indicating each branch or tag for which we want to build the PDF
# Read settings.json (if it exists)
json_settings_filename = self.doc_path + '/settings.json'
if os.path.exists(json_settings_filename):
with open(json_settings_filename) as f:
json_settings = json.load(f)
for key in self.settings:
if key in json_settings:
self.settings[key] = json_settings[key]
def build(self):
multiversion_build = self.settings['multiversion']
cmd = []
is_intensive_task = False
# update source files from git
cmd.append(['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'HEAD']) # we must first revert any local change ; this fixes an issue with print-theme.css that can be modified during compilation to update the number of pages
cmd.append(['git', 'pull'])
if multiversion_build:
# also fetch all branches and tags, so that sphinx-multiversion knows what versions exist and can pull them
cmd.append(['git', 'fetch', '--all', '--tags', '--force'])
cmd.append(['bash', '-c', 'for BRANCH in $(git branch -a | grep remotes | grep -v HEAD | grep -v master); do git branch --track "${BRANCH#remotes/origin/}" "${BRANCH}" || git branch -f "${BRANCH#remotes/origin/}" -t "${BRANCH}"; done'])
# build the HTML version
cmd.append(['make', 'html_versions', 'BUILDDIR=../build'])
if type(self.settings['build_pdf']) is list:
for pdf_branch_name in self.settings['build_pdf']:
is_intensive_task = True
# Extract the source files to a temporary directory
cmd.append(['rm', '-rf', self.doc_path + '/tmp_source'])
cmd.append(['mkdir', self.doc_path + '/tmp_source'])
cmd.append(['bash', '-c', 'git archive "'+pdf_branch_name+'" | tar -x -C "' + self.doc_path + '/tmp_source"'])
# Build the PDF
cmd.append(['bash', '-c', 'cd "' + self.doc_path + '/tmp_source" && make pdf'])
# Copy the generated PDF file to the HTML directory, so that it is accessible for download by users
cmd.append(['cp', self.doc_path + '/tmp_source/build/weasyprint/vheliotech.pdf', self.doc_path + '/build/html_versions/' + pdf_branch_name + '/' + self.doc_name + '.pdf'])
# Clean up
cmd.append(['rm', '-rf', self.doc_path + '/tmp_source'])
# build the HTML version
cmd.append(['make', 'html', 'BUILDDIR=../build'])
if self.settings['build_pdf']:
is_intensive_task = True
# build the PDF version
cmd.append(['make', 'pdf', 'BUILDDIR=../build'])
# Copy the generated PDF file to the HTML directory, so that it is accessible for download by users
cmd.append(['cp', self.doc_path + '/build/weasyprint/vheliotech.pdf', self.doc_path + '/build/html/' + self.doc_name + '.pdf'])
# Now that the build is successful, move it to the deployment directory (replacing any existing content)
cmd.append(['rm', '-rf', self.doc_path + '/dist'])
if multiversion_build:
cmd.append(['mv', self.doc_path + '/build/html_versions/', self.doc_path + '/dist/'])
cmd.append(['mv', self.doc_path + '/build/html/', self.doc_path + '/dist/'])
resource_usage = [('document_files', self.doc_path)]
if is_intensive_task:
resource_usage.append(('intensive_task', ''))
task = ProcessTask(cmd, cwd = self.doc_path + "/repo", resource_usage = resource_usage)
task.start(skip_if_another_pending = self.doc_path)
return task
def delete(self):
if not self.valid:
raise Exception("Internal error")
def delete_folder(self):
doc_path = Document.make_doc_path(self.origin, self.doc_name, self.branch)
doc_root = os.path.dirname(doc_path)
if len(os.listdir(doc_root)) == 0:
origin_root = os.path.dirname(doc_root)
if len(os.listdir(origin_root)) == 0:
def get_url(self):
if self.settings['multiversion']:
return "/doc/" + self.encoded_origin + "/" + sanitize_name(self.doc_name)+'/'+sanitize_name(self.branch) + "/" + self.settings['default_version'] + "/index.html"
return "/doc/" + self.encoded_origin + "/" + sanitize_name(self.doc_name)+'/'+sanitize_name(self.branch) + "/index.html"
def get_pdf_url(self):
if self.settings['multiversion']:
return "/doc/" + self.encoded_origin + "/" + sanitize_name(self.doc_name)+'/'+sanitize_name(self.branch) + "/" + self.settings['default_version'] + "/" + self.doc_name + ".pdf"
return "/doc/" + self.encoded_origin + "/" + sanitize_name(self.doc_name)+'/'+sanitize_name(self.branch) + "/" + self.doc_name + ".pdf"
def get_api_key(self):
with open(self.doc_path + "/apikey") as f:
return'\n', '')
def encode_origin(origin):
return url_encode(origin, safe='').replace('%', '!')
def decode_origin(origin):
return url_decode(origin.replace('!', '%'))
def make_doc_path(origin, doc_name, branch):
doc_path = os.path.realpath(get_document_root()+'/'+Document.encode_origin(origin)+'/'+sanitize_name(doc_name)+'/'+sanitize_name(branch))
if not doc_path.startswith(get_document_root()):
raise BusinessException("Invalid document path for "+origin+"/"+doc_name+"@"+branch)
return doc_path
def get_origin(repo):
result = sanitize_name(os.path.dirname(repo).replace('https://', ''), '/', False)
if '!' in result:
raise BusinessException("Invalid character: !")
return result
def clone(repo, branch, doc_name, source_dir):
# check the document does not already exist
origin = Document.get_origin(repo)
doc_path = Document.make_doc_path(origin, doc_name, branch)
if os.path.isdir(doc_path):
raise BusinessException("This document already exists: "+origin+"/"+doc_name+"@"+branch)
if source_dir != sanitize_name(source_dir):
raise BusinessException("Invalid source directory name: " + source_dir)
# we have potentially serious security issues related to cloning anything. For example cloning from SSH may use a pre-configured server identity, etc.
if not repo.startswith("https://"):
raise BusinessException("Only HTTPS repositories are allowed in current implementation")
# Generate an API key
apikey = str(uuid.uuid4())
print("generated API key: " + apikey)
target_dir = doc_path + "/repo"
os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok = True)
with open(doc_path + "/apikey", "w") as apikey_file:
cmd = []
cmd.append(['git', 'init', '--initial-branch=' + branch])
cmd.append(['git', 'remote', 'add', '-f', 'origin', repo])
#cmd.append(['git', 'sparse-checkout', 'init'])
#cmd.append(['git', 'sparse-checkout', 'set', source_dir])
cmd.append(['git', 'pull', 'origin', branch])
cmd.append(['git', 'branch', '--set-upstream-to=origin/' + branch, branch])
task = ProcessTask(cmd, cwd = target_dir)
task.on_fail(lambda : shutil.rmtree(doc_path, ignore_errors = True))
return task
def list():
result = []
for origin in os.listdir(get_document_root()):
for doc_name in os.listdir(get_document_root() + "/" + origin):
for branch in os.listdir(get_document_root() + "/" + origin + "/" + doc_name):
doc = Document(origin, doc_name, branch, allow_invalid = True)
return result
def get_document_root():
return current_app.config['DOCUMENT_ROOT_DIR']