# odroid-h3 Some random documentation about the single board computer ODROID-H3. Most notably, plans for a simple wooden case that can fit an H3, as well as one 3.5" disk, plus one 2.5" disk, and a 92mm fan (which is not really needed since the H3 produces little heat, though I have not stress tested it yet) ![Perspective view of the wooden case](img/final.png) This case is far from perfect: * too small for comfortable cable management * a bit tedious to open/close (and screws are likely to wear the wood out if manipulated too many times) * the 2.5" drive fastening is not finished * the 3.5" cable sticks out of the box creating a risk to accidentally damage the disk connector * there is no power button (but it's easy to add since the H3 has pins to connect a push button) Furthermore, it's most probably not compliant with the required regulations (whatever country you live in) and may or may not be a dangerous device. Please take this as a documented personal experiment rather than plans to build your own. You are sole responsible for whatever would happen if you use any of this material. ![Exploded view of the wooden case](img/exploded.png)