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2022-02-05 15:45:41 +01:00
import app from 'flarum/forum/app';
import Component from 'flarum/Component';
import Switch from 'flarum/common/components/Switch';
2022-02-05 15:45:41 +01:00
export default class AddLocationComponent extends Component {
oninit(vnode) {
this.search_country = app.session.user.location_country() || 'France';
this.search_city = ((app.session.user.location_postcode() || '') + ' ' + (app.session.user.location_city() || '')).trim();
this.location = app.session.user.location_latitude()
? {
lat: app.session.user.location_latitude(),
lon: app.session.user.location_longitude()
: null;
this.enableLocation = this.location != null;
this.map = null;
this.locationMarker = null;
2022-02-05 15:45:41 +01:00
view(vnode) {
return (
<fieldset className="Settings-theme">
<Switch state={this.enableLocation} onchange={val => this.setEnableLocation(val)}>{app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.enableLocation')}</Switch>
<div className="fieldset-separator"></div>
{ this.enableLocation ? <div>
<label for="search-country">{app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.locationCountry')}</label>
<input type="text" className="FormControl search-country" id="search-country" name="search-country" value={this.search_country} onblur={this.countryChanged.bind(this)} />
<div className="fieldset-separator"></div>
<label for="search-city">{app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.locationCity')}</label>
<p className="helpText">{app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.locationCityDescription')}</p>
<input type="text" className="FormControl search-city" id="search-city" name="search-city" value={this.search_city} onblur={this.cityChanged.bind(this)} />
<div className="fieldset-separator"></div>
{this.location ? <div className="location-map" /> : []}
</div> : [] }
2022-02-05 15:45:41 +01:00
setEnableLocation(enable) {
this.enableLocation = enable;
if(this.location && !this.enableLocation) {
this.search_country = '';
this.search_city = '';
oncreate(vnode) {
onupdate(vnode) {
let dom = vnode.dom;
let mapElements = dom.getElementsByClassName('location-map');
if(mapElements.length > 0) {
if(!this.map) {
let mapElement = mapElements[0];
const publicToken = app.forum.attribute('justoverclock-users-map-location.mapBox-api-key');
const markerIconPath = app.forum.attribute('baseUrl') + '/assets/extensions/justoverclock-users-map-location/marker-icon.png';
let markerIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: markerIconPath,
iconSize: [25, 41], // size of the icon
iconAnchor: [13, 40]
this.map = L.map(mapElement);
this.locationMarker = L.marker([this.location.lat, this.location.lon], { icon: markerIcon }).addTo(this.map);
let layer = L.tileLayer('https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}', {
'Map data &copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> ' +
'contributors, Imagery © <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>, ' +
'Developed by <a href="https://flarum.it/">Marco Colia</a>',
maxZoom: 18,
id: 'mapbox/streets-v11',
tileSize: 512,
zoomOffset: -1,
accessToken: publicToken,
} else {
this.map = null;
this.locationMarker = null;
updateMap() {
if(this.map && this.location) {
this.map.setView([this.location.lat, this.location.lon], 7)
this.locationMarker.setLatLng([this.location.lat, this.location.lon]);
2022-02-05 15:45:41 +01:00
countryChanged(e) {
this.search_country = e.target.value.trim();
cityChanged(e) {
this.search_city = e.target.value.trim();
save() {
if(this.search_country == '' || this.search_city == '') {
if(this.location) {
const user = app.session.user;
let attributes = {
location_country: null,
location_countrycode: null,
location_postcode: null,
location_city: null,
location_latitude: null,
location_longitude: null
.then(() => {
this.search_country = 'France';
this.search_city = '';
this.location = null;
app.alerts.show({ type: 'success' }, app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.locationCleared'))
let postcodeRegexps = [
'([0-9]{5})', // used in many countries (ex: 75000)
'([0-9]{2} [0-9]{3})', // same, but with a space (ex: 75 000)
'([A-Z0-9]{3} [A-Z0-9]{3})', // Canada (ex: H3B 1M7)
'([0-9]{4})', // used in a lot of small countries
let postcode = '';
let city = '';
for(let postcodeReIdx = 0; postcodeReIdx < postcodeRegexps.length; ++postcodeReIdx) {
let postcodeRe = postcodeRegexps[postcodeReIdx];
for(let mode = 0; mode <= 2; ++mode) {
let re;
if(mode == 0) {
re = new RegExp('^' + postcodeRe + '$');
} else {
re = new RegExp('^' + (mode == 1 ? postcodeRe + '[, ]+(.*)' : '(.*)[, ]+' + postcodeRe) + '$');
let match = this.search_city.match(re);
if(match) {
if(mode == 0) {
postcode = match[1];
city = '';
} else {
postcode = match[mode == 1 ? 1 : 2];
city = match[mode == 1 ? 2 : 1];
if(postcode == '' && city == '')
city = this.search_city;
if(postcode != '') postcode = 'postalcode='+encodeURI(postcode.split(' ').join(''));
if(city != '') city = 'city='+encodeURI(city);
let query = postcode == '' ? city : postcode + (city == '' ? '' : '&' + city);
query += '&country=' + encodeURIComponent(this.search_country);
fetch('https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?' + query + '&format=json&addressdetails=1')
.then((responseText) => responseText.json())
.then((response) => {
//console.log('search reuslts:');
let foundResult = false;
for(let idx = 0; idx < response.length; ++idx) {
let result = response[idx];
if((result.class=='place' && result.type=='postcode') || (result.class=='boundary' && result.type=='administrative')) {
//console.log('found valid result:');
foundResult = true;
const user = app.session.user;
let attributes = {
location_country: result.address.country,
location_countrycode: result.address.country_code,
location_postcode: result.address.postcode,
location_city: result.address.village || result.address.town || result.address.city || result.address.administrative,
location_latitude: result.lat,
location_longitude: result.lon
.then(() => {
this.search_country = attributes.location_country || 'France';
this.search_city = ((attributes.location_postcode || '') + ' ' + (attributes.location_city || '')).trim();
this.location = {
lat: attributes.location_latitude,
lon: attributes.location_longitude
app.alerts.show({ type: 'success' }, app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.locationSaved'))
if(!foundResult) {
app.alerts.show({ type: 'error' }, app.translator.trans('justoverclock-users-map-location.forum.locationNotFound'))
2022-02-05 15:45:41 +01:00