FreeCAD workbench to create assembly handbooks
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445 lines
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import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui
from PySide.QtCore import QTimer
import TechDraw, TechDrawGui
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
TDG = TechDrawGui
class CursorItem(QtGui.QGraphicsItem):
def __init__(self, parent = None, view = None):
self.Type = QtGui.QGraphicsItem.UserType + 501
self.margin = 10.0
self.size = 100.0
self.view = view
def onViewPosChange(self, callback):
self.viewPosChangeCallback = callback
def boundingRect(self):
return QtCore.QRectF(-self.size/2 - self.margin, -self.size/2 - self.margin,
self.size + 2.0*self.margin, self.size + 2.0*self.margin)
def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
#painter.drawRoundedRect(-100, -100, 200, 200, 50, 50)
h = self.size/2.0
painter.drawLine(-h, 0, h, 0)
painter.drawLine(0, -h, 0, h)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
#print('mouse press', event)
self.startMovePos = event.pos()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
#print('mouse move', event)
offset = event.pos() - self.startMovePos
self.moveBy(offset.x(), offset.y())
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
#print('mouse release', event)
#print('new pos', self.x(), self.y())
if self.viewPosChangeCallback is not None:
def getViewPos(self):
scale = self.view.Scale * 10.0
return App.Vector(self.x() / scale, -self.y() / scale)
def setViewPos(self, p):
scale = self.view.Scale * 10.0
self.setPos(p.x * scale, -p.y * scale)
class ViewCache:
def __init__(self):
self.projected_points = {} # maps 3D vectors to their 2D projection
class TechDrawExtensions:
views_to_repaint = {}
view_cursors = {}
view_cache = {}
updating_balloon = False
edited_view = None
enable_selected_part_highlight = False # disable for now, for performance reasons
def __init__(self):
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench
workbench.docObserver.onObjectTypeChanged('balloon_changed', 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon', lambda obj, prop: self.onBalloonChanged(obj, prop))
workbench.docObserver.onObjectTypeSelected('balloon_selected', 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon', lambda operation, obj, sub, point: self.onBalloonSelected(operation, obj, sub, point))
def repaint(self, view):
self.views_to_repaint[view] = True
QTimer.singleShot(10, self._do_repaint)
def _do_repaint(self):
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench
selection = Gui.Selection.getSelection()
to_repaint = self.views_to_repaint.keys()
self.views_to_repaint = {}
for view in to_repaint:
#print("Repainting " + view.Name)
doc = view.Document
selected_balloons = []
for obj in Gui.Selection.getSelection():
if obj.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon' and obj.SourceView == view and 'Assembly_handbook_PartName' in obj.PropertiesList:
is_first_part = True
parts_to_paint = []
# repaint parts that are highlighted by selection
if self.enable_selected_part_highlight:
for balloon in selected_balloons:
part = doc.getObject(balloon.Assembly_handbook_PartName)
if part in view.XSource:
# repaint parts that are new in this step (thick line)
if 'Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView' in view.PropertiesList:
prev_view = doc.getObject(view.Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView)
if prev_view is not None:
for part in view.XSource:
if part not in prev_view.XSource and part not in parts_to_paint:
# make sure the list is not empty, so that we reset all lines
if len(parts_to_paint) == 0:
for part in parts_to_paint:
default_line_thickness = 0.05
line_thickness = default_line_thickness
default_color = (0.65, 0.65, 0.65)
color = default_color
if part is not None:
part_view = workbench.partsCache.getPart2DView(view, part)
center = self.computePartCenter(view, part)
if 'Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView' in view.PropertiesList:
prev_view = doc.getObject(view.Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView)
if prev_view is not None:
if not part in prev_view.XSource:
line_thickness = 0.2
color = (0, 0, 0)
if self.enable_selected_part_highlight:
for balloon in selected_balloons:
if part.Name == balloon.Assembly_handbook_PartName:
color = (0.0, 0.85, 0.0) # selection highlighting
# iterate edges of actual view and highlight matching edges
for edgeIdx in range(10000):
hasEdge = False
edge = view.getEdgeByIndex(edgeIdx)
hasEdge = True
if not hasEdge:
is_edge_of_part = False
if part is not None and (not hasattr(edge.Curve, 'Degree') or edge.Curve.Degree == 1) and len(edge.Vertexes) == 2:
edgeData = [
edge.Vertexes[0].X - center.x,
edge.Vertexes[0].Y - center.y,
edge.Vertexes[1].X - center.x,
edge.Vertexes[1].Y - center.y
v0 = App.Vector(edgeData[0], edgeData[1])
v1 = App.Vector(edgeData[2], edgeData[3])
for line in part_view.cached_lines:
l0 = App.Vector(line[0], line[1])
l1 = App.Vector(line[2], line[3])
#d = abs(edgeData[0] - line[0]) + abs(edgeData[1] - line[1]) + abs(edgeData[2] - line[2]) + abs(edgeData[3] - line[3])
d = v0.distanceToLineSegment(l0, l1).Length + v1.distanceToLineSegment(l0, l1).Length
if d < 0.01:
is_edge_of_part = True
if is_edge_of_part:
elif is_first_part:
# reset edge format
is_first_part = False
def updateBalloonCursor(self, view):
selected_balloons = []
for obj in Gui.Selection.getSelection():
if obj.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon' and obj.SourceView == view and 'Assembly_handbook_PartName' in obj.PropertiesList:
cursor = self.view_cursors.get(view, None)
if cursor is None:
cursor = CursorItem(view = view)
TDG.addQGIToView(view, cursor);
cursor.onViewPosChange(lambda new_pos: self.onCursorMoved(view, new_pos))
self.view_cursors[view] = cursor
if len(selected_balloons) == 0:
cursor.setViewPos(App.Vector(selected_balloons[0].OriginX, selected_balloons[0].OriginY))
def setCurrentViewDirection(self, view):
from pivy import coin
doc = view.Document
if doc != Gui.ActiveDocument.Document:
raise Exception("Current view is not for the same document as TechDraw view " + view.Name)
activeView = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView
if str(type(activeView)) != "<class 'View3DInventorPy'>":
raise Exception("Current view is not a 3D view")
cam = activeView.getCameraNode()
dir = cam.orientation.getValue().multVec(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,1)).getValue()
xdir = cam.orientation.getValue().multVec(coin.SbVec3f(1,0,0)).getValue()
view.Direction = App.Vector(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2])
view.XDirection = App.Vector(xdir[0], xdir[1], xdir[2])
def refreshView(self, view):
doc = view.Document
page = self.getViewPage(view)
for balloon in page.Views:
if balloon.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon' and "Assembly_handbook_PartName" in balloon.PropertiesList and balloon.SourceView == view:
obj = doc.getObject(balloon.Assembly_handbook_PartName)
balloonColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
if obj is None or not obj in view.XSource:
balloonColor = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
balloon.ViewObject.Color = balloonColor
self.view_cache[view] = None
def toggleEditViewSourceParts(self, view):
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench
button = self.getToolbarButton('AHB_view_edit_source_parts')
if self.edited_view is None:
workbench.docLinkObserver.select_link_mode = True
self.edited_view = view
button.setText('End source parts edition')
for obj in view.XSource:
workbench.docLinkObserver.select_link_mode = False
self.edited_view = None
button.setText('Edit view source parts')
def editViewSourceParts(self, parts, add):
if self.edited_view is None: return
xsource = self.edited_view.XSource
modified = False
for part in parts:
if (part in xsource) != add:
if add:
modified = True
if modified:
self.edited_view.XSource = xsource
def getToolbarButton(self, buttonName):
mainwin = Gui.getMainWindow()
toolbar = None
for tb in mainwin.findChildren(QtGui.QToolBar):
if tb.objectName()=='Assembly Handbook':
toolbar = tb
button = None
if toolbar is not None:
for action in toolbar.actions():
if action.objectName() == buttonName:
button = action
return button
def onCursorMoved(self, view, new_pos):
if len(Gui.Selection.getSelection()) == 0: return
balloon = Gui.Selection.getSelection()[0]
if balloon.TypeId != 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon' or not 'Assembly_handbook_PartName' in balloon.PropertiesList: return
if balloon.SourceView != view: return
balloon.OriginX = new_pos.x
balloon.OriginY = new_pos.y
obj = balloon.Document.getObject(balloon.Assembly_handbook_PartName)
view = balloon.SourceView
center = self.computePartCenter(view, obj)
balloon.Assembly_handbook_OriginOffsetX = new_pos.x - center.x
balloon.Assembly_handbook_OriginOffsetY = new_pos.y - center.y
def onBalloonSelected(self, operation, balloon, sub, point):
#print(operation, obj.Name, sub, point)
if "Assembly_handbook_PartName" in balloon.PropertiesList:
#print(operation + " " + balloon.Name)
view = balloon.SourceView
if self.enable_selected_part_highlight:
self.repaint(view) # disabled for now, for performance reasons
def onBalloonChanged(self, obj, prop):
# Avoid reentry
if self.updating_balloon:
#print('Balloon changed: ' + obj.Name + '.' + prop)
if prop == 'Y' and "Assembly_handbook_PartName" in obj.PropertiesList:
self.updating_balloon = True
self.updating_balloon = False
def updateBalloon(self, balloon):
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench
view = balloon.SourceView
doc = view.Document
obj = doc.getObject(balloon.Assembly_handbook_PartName)
partDisplayName = self.getPartDisplayName(obj)
objectCenterView = workbench.techDrawExtensions.computePartCenter(view, obj)
balloon.OriginX = objectCenterView.x + balloon.Assembly_handbook_OriginOffsetX
balloon.OriginY = objectCenterView.y + balloon.Assembly_handbook_OriginOffsetY
balloon.Text = partDisplayName
balloon.ViewObject.Font = 'DejaVu Sans'
balloon.ViewObject.Fontsize = 4
balloon.BubbleShape = 'Inspection'
balloon.EndTypeScale = 4
def getPartDisplayName(self, obj):
if obj.TypeId == 'App::Link':
linked_obj = obj.LinkedObject
if 'Assembly_handbook_PartDisplayName' in linked_obj.PropertiesList:
return linked_obj.Assembly_handbook_PartDisplayName
return linked_obj.Document.Name
return obj.Name
def isNewPartInView(self, view, obj):
doc = view.Document
if 'Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView' in view.PropertiesList:
prev_view = doc.getObject(view.Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView)
if prev_view is not None:
if not obj in prev_view.XSource:
return True
return False
def getActivePage(self):
activeView = Gui.activeView()
if activeView is None: return None
activePage = activeView.getPage() if hasattr(activeView, 'getPage') else None
return activePage
def getViewPage(self, view):
for obj in view.InList:
if obj.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawPage':
if view in obj.Views:
return obj
return None
def forceRedrawPage(self, page, callback = None):
for view in page.Views:
if view.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewPart' and 'Assembly_handbook_PreviousStepView' in view.PropertiesList:
elif view.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon':
if view.ViewObject.Visibility:
# workaround for a TechDraw bug: sometimes the balloon should be visible but doesn't appear, showing it again fixes the issue
view.ViewObject.Visibility = False
def makeRedrawCallback(view):
def redrawBalloon():
view.ViewObject.Visibility = True
return redrawBalloon
QTimer.singleShot(0, makeRedrawCallback(view))
# workaround for a TechDraw bug: sometimes the balloon text is visible even if the balloon is hidden, hiding it again fixes the issue
view.ViewObject.Visibility = True
view.ViewObject.Visibility = False
if page.KeepUpdated:
for view in page.Views:
if view.TypeId != 'TechDraw::DrawViewPart':
for view in page.Views:
if view.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewPart':
if callback is not None:
page.KeepUpdated = True
def restoreKeepUpdated():
page.KeepUpdated = False
for view in page.Views:
if view.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewPart':
if callback is not None:
QTimer.singleShot(10, restoreKeepUpdated)
def computePartCenter(self, view, obj):
if obj.TypeId == 'App::Link':
partLink = obj
objectCenterWorld = partLink.LinkPlacement.Matrix.multiply(partLink.LinkedObject.Shape.CenterOfGravity)
objectCenterWorld = obj.Shape.CenterOfGravity
view_cache = self.getViewCache(view)
key = (objectCenterWorld.x, objectCenterWorld.y, objectCenterWorld.z)
projected_point = view_cache.projected_points.get(key, None)
if projected_point is None:
# TechDraw does not expose a way to project a 3D point to 2D view coordinates ; this is a hack to get this value indirectly. The view should be hidden before calling this method, to avoid costly repaints.
vertId = view.makeCosmeticVertex3d(objectCenterWorld)
vert = view.getCosmeticVertex(vertId)
projected_point = vert.Point
view_cache.projected_points[key] = projected_point
return projected_point
def getViewCache(self, view):
cache = self.view_cache.get(view, None)
if cache is None:
cache = ViewCache()
self.view_cache[view] = cache
return cache