A Kerbal Space Program mod that adds balloon parts to create aerostats
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47 lines
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@echo off
rem make sure the initial working directory is the one containing the current script
SET scriptPath=%~dp0
SET initialWD=%CD%
cd %scriptPath%
cd ..
rd /s /q package
mkdir package
cd package
mkdir GameData
cd GameData
mkdir Aerostats
cd Aerostats
xcopy /y ..\..\..\License.txt .
xcopy /y ..\..\..\resources.cfg .
xcopy /y ..\..\..\TweakScale.cfg .
mkdir Plugin
xcopy /y ..\..\..\Plugin\bin\Release\Aerostats.dll Plugin
mkdir Parts
cd Parts
mkdir HeliumBalloon
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumBalloon\heliumBalloon.cfg HeliumBalloon
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumBalloon\model.mu HeliumBalloon
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumBalloon\model000.dds HeliumBalloon
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumBalloon\model001.dds HeliumBalloon
mkdir HeliumTankRadial
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumTankRadial\heliumTankRadial.cfg HeliumTankRadial
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumTankRadial\model.mu HeliumTankRadial
xcopy /y ..\..\..\..\Parts\HeliumTankRadial\ksp_r_xenonTank_diff.dds HeliumTankRadial
cd "%scriptPath%..\package"
IF EXIST ..\Aerostats.zip del ..\Aerostats.zip
"%scriptPath%7z.exe" a ..\Aerostats.zip GameData
cd "%scriptPath%.."
rd /s /q package
cd %initialWD%