A Kerbal Space Program mod that adds balloon parts to create aerostats
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Aerostats
public static class GasUtilities
// amount of gas Q is specified in m^3 at stp (standard pressure of 100kPa and temperature of 0°C = 273K).
// Ideal gas equation P.V = n.R.T gives us the equivalent number of moles: n = P.V/R/T = 100000.Q/8.314/273 = 44.Q mol
public static readonly float R = 8.314f;
public static readonly float ZeroCelsius = 273.15f;
public static readonly float StandardPressure = 100000.0f;
public static readonly float StpVolumeToMoles = 100000.0f / R / 273.15f;