-- see copyright notice in wxLdb.lua local print = print local wx = require( "wx" ) _G.print = print -- override wx print function with original one local socket = require( "socket" ) local mainthread = require( "mainthread" ) local ui = { threads = require( "ui.threads" ), callstack = require( "ui.callstack" ), sourcePage = require( "ui.sourcePage" ), promptMountPath = require( "ui.promptMountPath" ), id = require( "ui.id" ), luaExplorer = require( "ui.luaExplorer" ), notification = require( "ui.notification" ), about = require( "ui.about" ), } local setmetatable = setmetatable local table = table local debug = debug local xpcall = xpcall local pairs = pairs local assert = assert local string = string local type = type local os = os local io = io module( "ui.mainWindow" ) ID_BREAK = ui.id.new() ID_CONTINUE = ui.id.new() ID_STEP_OVER = ui.id.new() ID_STEP_INTO = ui.id.new() ID_STEP_OUT = ui.id.new() ID_TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT = ui.id.new() ID_FILE_OPEN = ui.id.new() ID_FILE_CLOSE = ui.id.new() ID_HELP_MANUAL = ui.id.new() ID_HELP_ABOUT = ui.id.new() ID_EXIT = wx.wxID_EXIT local meta = { __index = {} } function new() local res = {} setmetatable( res, meta ) res:init() return res end function meta.__index:init() self.frame = wx.wxFrame( wx.NULL, wx.wxID_ANY, "GRLD server", wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE + wx.wxMAXIMIZE) mainthread.init( self.frame ) self:initLayout_() self.mountPathPopup = ui.promptMountPath.new() self.notificationPopup = ui.notification.new() self.idleUpdates = {} self.frame:Connect( wx.wxEVT_IDLE, function( event ) self:onIdleUpdate_( event ) end ) self.events = { onBreakPointChanged = {}, onFileOpen = {}, onFileClosed = {}, onApplicationExiting = {} } end function meta.__index:show( show ) self.frame:Show( show ) end function meta.__index:close() self.frame:Close() end function meta.__index:initLayout_() self.root = wx.wxSplitterWindow( self.frame, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, 0 ) -- root widget self.sourceBook = wx.wxNotebook( self.root, wx.wxID_ANY ) -- book of source code pages self.debugRoot = wx.wxSplitterWindow( self.root, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, 0 ) -- threads window self.threads = ui.threads.new( self.debugRoot, self.frame ) self.debugBooks = wx.wxSplitterWindow( self.debugRoot, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, 0 ) self.debugBookL = wx.wxNotebook( self.debugBooks, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxNB_BOTTOM ) self.debugBookR = wx.wxNotebook( self.debugBooks, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxNB_BOTTOM ) -- callstack window self.callstack = ui.callstack.new( self.debugBookL ) self.debugBookL:AddPage( self.callstack:getRoot(), "Call stack" ) -- automatic variables window self.auto = ui.luaExplorer.new( self.debugBookR, false ) self.debugBookR:AddPage( self.auto:getRoot(), "Automatic variables" ) -- watch window self.watch = ui.luaExplorer.new( self.debugBookR, true ) self.debugBookR:AddPage( self.watch:getRoot(), "Watch" ) self.root:SplitHorizontally( self.sourceBook, self.debugRoot, -200 ) self.debugRoot:SplitVertically( self.threads:getRoot(), self.debugBooks, 250 ) self.debugBooks:SplitVertically( self.debugBookL, self.debugBookR ) self.sourcePages = {} local fileMenu = wx.wxMenu() fileMenu:Append( ID_FILE_OPEN, "&Open\tCtrl-O", "Open a source file" ) fileMenu:Append( ID_FILE_CLOSE, "&Close\tCtrl-F4", "Close the current source file" ) fileMenu:Append( ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-F4", "Exit the GRLD server" ) local debugMenu = wx.wxMenu() debugMenu:Append( ID_BREAK, "&Break\tF12", "Stop execution of the program at the next executed line of code" ) debugMenu:Append( ID_CONTINUE, "&Continue\tF5", "Run the program at full speed" ) debugMenu:Append( ID_STEP_OVER, "&Step over\tF10", "Step over a line" ) debugMenu:Append( ID_STEP_INTO, "Step &into\tF11", "Step into a line" ) debugMenu:Append( ID_STEP_OUT, "Step &out\tShift-F11", "Step out of the current function" ) debugMenu:Append( ID_TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT, "&Toggle breakpoint\tF9", "Toggle the breakpoint on the current line" ) local helpMenu = wx.wxMenu() helpMenu:Append( ID_HELP_MANUAL, "&Manual", "Send the GRLD manual to your web browser" ) helpMenu:Append( ID_HELP_ABOUT, "&About", "Open a window with various information about GRLD" ) local menuBar = wx.wxMenuBar() menuBar:Append( fileMenu, "&File" ) menuBar:Append( debugMenu, "&Debug" ) menuBar:Append( helpMenu, "&Help" ) self.frame:SetMenuBar( menuBar ) self.frame:Connect( ID_FILE_OPEN, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function( ... ) self:onFileOpen_( ... ) end ) self.frame:Connect( ID_FILE_CLOSE, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function( ... ) self:onFileClose_( ... ) end ) self.frame:Connect( ID_HELP_MANUAL, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function( ... ) self:onHelpManual_( ... ) end ) self.frame:Connect( ID_HELP_ABOUT, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function( ... ) self:onHelpAbout_( ... ) end ) self.frame:Connect( ID_EXIT, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function( ... ) self:onExitCommand_( ... ) end ) self.frame:Connect( wx.wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, function( ... ) self:onWindowClosed_( ... ) end ) end function meta.__index:registerEvent( ID, callback ) if type( ID ) == "string" then assert( self.events[ID] ~= nil, "Unknown event name "..ID ) table.insert( self.events[ID], callback ) else if self.events[ID] == nil then self.events[ID] = {} mainthread.execute( function() self.frame:Connect( ID, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function( ... ) for _, callback in ipairs( self.events[ID] ) do callback( ... ) end end ) end ) end table.insert( self.events[ID], callback ) end end function meta.__index:runEvents_( eventName, ... ) for _, callback in pairs( self.events[eventName] ) do callback( ... ) end end function meta.__index:onFileOpen_( event ) local fullPath = nil local fileDialog = wx.wxFileDialog( self.frame, "Open file", "", "", "Lua files (*.lua)|*.lua|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*)|*", wx.wxOPEN + wx.wxFILE_MUST_EXIST ) if fileDialog:ShowModal() == wx.wxID_OK then fullPath = fileDialog:GetPath() end fileDialog:Destroy() if fullPath ~= nil then self:runEvents_( "onFileOpen", fullPath ) end end function meta.__index:onFileClose_( event ) local idx = self.sourceBook:GetSelection() if idx >= 0 and idx < self.sourceBook:GetPageCount() then local page = nil local source = nil for s, p in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do if p.pageIdx == idx then page = p source = s elseif p.pageIdx > idx then p.pageIdx = p.pageIdx - 1 end end assert( page ~= nil ) self.sourceBook:DeletePage( page.pageIdx ) page:destroy() self.sourcePages[source] = nil self:runEvents_( "onFileClosed", source ) end end function meta.__index:onHelpManual_() local docPath = "../doc/index.html" -- get the command to start the default web browser from the registry (MS Windows only) local pipe = io.popen( "reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\HTTP\\shell\\open\\command" ) local data = pipe:read( "*a" ) pipe:close() -- example of returned data (Windows XP): --! REG.EXE VERSION 3.0 -- --HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\command -- REG_SZ "E:\Outils\Firefox\firefox.exe" -requestPending -osint -url "%1" -- other example (on Vista) --HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\command -- (par défaut) REG_SZ "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -requestPending -osint -url "%1" -- parse returned data local _, _, cmd = string.find( data, "REG_SZ%s+(.+)" ) local result = -1 if cmd ~= nil then if string.find( cmd, "%%1" ) ~= nil then cmd = string.gsub( cmd, "%%1", docPath ) else if string.sub( cmd, -1 ) ~= " " then cmd = cmd.." " end cmd = cmd.."\""..docPath.."\"" end print( cmd ) -- start the default browser with the GRLD documentation as parameter result = os.execute( "start \"GRLD documentation\" "..cmd ) end if result ~= 0 then wx.wxMessageBox( "Unable to start your default web browser to display the GRLD manual. You can instead open the following file with any HTML or text viewer: "..string.sub(docPath,4), "Error" ) end end function meta.__index:onHelpAbout_() ui.about.popup() end function meta.__index:onExitCommand_( event ) self.frame:Close() end function meta.__index:onWindowClosed_( event ) print( "Main window closed" ) self:runEvents_( "onApplicationExiting" ) event:Skip( true ) -- allow it to really exit self.mountPathPopup:destroy() self.notificationPopup:destroy() self.frame:Destroy() end function meta.__index:getSourcePages() return self.sourcePages end function meta.__index:getSourcePage( source ) local page = self.sourcePages[source] if page == nil then page = mainthread.execute( function() return ui.sourcePage.new( self.sourceBook, source ) end ) self.sourcePages[source] = page local _, _, name = string.find( source, ".*[/\\](.*)" ) if name == nil then name = source end local maxLen = 16 if #name > 16 then name = string.sub( name, 1, 7 ).."..."..string.sub( name, -7 ) end page.pageIdx = self.sourceBook:GetPageCount() self.sourceBook:AddPage( page:getRoot(), name ) page:registerEvent( "onBreakPointChanged", function( ... ) self:runEvents_( "onBreakPointChanged", source, ... ) end ) end return page end function meta.__index:findSourcePage( source ) return self.sourcePages[source] end function meta.__index:setSourcePageFocus( source ) local page = self:getSourcePage( source ) self.sourceBook:ChangeSelection( page.pageIdx ) end function meta.__index:findSourcePageFocus() local idx = self.sourceBook:GetSelection() if idx >= 0 and idx < self.sourceBook:GetPageCount() then local page = nil local source = nil for s, p in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do if p.pageIdx == idx then return s, p:getFocus() end end end return nil end function meta.__index:clearMarkers() for _, page in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do page:clearMarkers() end end function meta.__index:clearOtherLines() for _, page in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do page:clearOtherLines() end end function meta.__index:clearBreakPoints() for _, page in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do page:clearBreakPoints() end end function meta.__index:setCurrentLine( source, line ) for _, page in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do page:setCurrentLine( nil ) end local page = self:getSourcePage( source ) page:setCurrentLine( line ) end function meta.__index:addIdleUpdate( func ) table.insert( self.idleUpdates, func ) end function meta.__index:promptMountPath( ... ) return self.mountPathPopup:run( ... ) end function meta.__index:notification( text ) return self.notificationPopup:run( text ) end function meta.__index:setActive() self.active = true end function meta.__index:raise() self.frame:Raise() end function meta.__index:onIdleUpdate_( event ) local currentPageIdx = self.sourceBook:GetSelection() for _, page in pairs( self.sourcePages ) do if currentPageIdx == page.pageIdx then if page:update() then assert( string.sub( page.source, 1, 1 ) == "@" ) self:runEvents_( "onFileOpen", string.sub( page.source, 2 ) ) end end end self.active = false for _, func in pairs( self.idleUpdates ) do local ok, msg = xpcall( func, debug.traceback ) if not ok then print( "Error in idle update: "..msg ) end end if not self.active then --socket.sleep( 0.05 ) end event:RequestMore( true ) end