forked from IanF/OneWireArduinoSlaveATTINY85
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434 lines
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434 lines
9.4 KiB
#include "Arduino.h" |
#include "LowLevel.h" |
#include "SerialChannel.h" |
#define LEDPin 13 |
#define OWPin 2 |
#define InterruptNumber 0 // Must correspond to the OWPin to correctly detect state changes. On Arduino Uno, interrupt 0 is for digital pin 2 |
#define ResetMinDuration 480 |
#define ResetMaxDuration 900 |
#define PresenceWaitDuration 30 |
#define PresenceDuration 300 |
#define ReadBitSamplingTime 13 // the theorical time is about 30us, but given various overhead, this is the empirical delay I've found works best (on Arduino Uno) |
#define SendBitDuration 35 |
const byte InvalidBit = (byte)-1; |
const byte IncompleteBit = (byte)-2; |
SerialChannel debug("debug"); |
Pin owPin(OWPin); |
Pin owOutTestPin(3); |
Pin led(LEDPin); |
enum OwStatus |
{ |
OS_WaitReset, |
OS_Presence, |
OS_WaitCommand, |
OS_SearchRom, |
}; |
OwStatus status; |
byte owROM[8] = { 0xE2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00 }; |
byte searchROMCurrentByte = 0; |
byte searchROMCurrentBit = 0; |
bool searchROMSendingInverse = false; |
bool searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit = false; |
void owPullLow() |
{ |
owPin.outputMode(); |
owPin.writeLow(); |
owOutTestPin.writeLow(); |
} |
void owRelease() |
{ |
owPin.inputMode(); |
owOutTestPin.writeHigh(); |
} |
void onEnterInterrupt() |
{ |
//owOutTestPin.writeLow(); |
} |
void onLeaveInterrupt() |
{ |
//owOutTestPin.writeHigh(); |
} |
volatile unsigned long resetStart = (unsigned long)-1; |
unsigned long lastReset = (unsigned long)-1; |
unsigned long bitStart = (unsigned long)-1; |
byte receivingByte = 0; |
byte receivingBitPos = 0; |
bool searchRomNextBit = false; |
bool searchRomNextBitToSend = false; |
void setup() |
{ |
owROM[7] = crc8((char*)owROM, 7); |
led.outputMode(); |
owPin.inputMode(); |
owOutTestPin.outputMode(); |
owOutTestPin.writeHigh(); |
led.writeLow(); |
cli(); // disable interrupts |
attachInterrupt(InterruptNumber, owWaitResetInterrupt, CHANGE); |
// set timer0 interrupt at 250KHz (actually depends on compare match register OCR0A) |
// 4us between each tick |
TCCR1A = 0; |
TCCR1B = 0; |
TCNT1 = 0; // initialize counter value to 0 |
//TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // turn on CTC mode |
//TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10); // Set 64 prescaler |
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); // enable timer compare interrupt |
sei(); // enable interrupts |
Serial.begin(9600); |
} |
int count = 0; |
void loop() |
{ |
if ((count++) % 1000 == 0) |
led.write(!; |
cli();//disable interrupts |
SerialChannel::swap(); |
sei();//enable interrupts |
SerialChannel::flush(); |
} |
void(*timerEvent)() = 0; |
void setTimerEvent(short microSecondsDelay, void(*event)()) |
{ |
microSecondsDelay -= 10; // this seems to be the typical time taken to initialize the timer on Arduino Uno |
short skipTicks = (microSecondsDelay - 3) / 4; // round the micro seconds delay to a number of ticks to skip (4us per tick, so 4us must skip 0 tick, 8us must skip 1 tick, etc.) |
if (skipTicks < 1) skipTicks = 1; |
//debug.SC_APPEND_STR_INT("setTimerEvent", (long)skipTicks); |
TCNT1 = 0; |
OCR1A = skipTicks; |
timerEvent = event; |
TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10); // turn on CTC mode with 64 prescaler |
} |
void owError(const char* message) |
{ |
debug.append(message); |
led.writeHigh(); |
status = OS_WaitReset; |
} |
void owClearError() |
{ |
led.writeLow(); |
} |
void owWaitResetInterrupt() |
{ |
onEnterInterrupt(); |
bool state =; |
unsigned long now = micros(); |
if (state) |
{ |
if (resetStart == (unsigned int)-1) |
{ |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
unsigned long resetDuration = now - resetStart; |
resetStart = (unsigned int)-1; |
if (resetDuration >= ResetMinDuration) |
{ |
if (resetDuration > ResetMaxDuration) |
{ |
owError("Reset too long"); |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
owClearError(); |
lastReset = now; |
status = OS_Presence; |
setTimerEvent(PresenceWaitDuration - (micros() - now), &beginPresence); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
resetStart = now; |
} |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
} |
//bool debugState = false; |
volatile unsigned long lastInterrupt = 0; |
void owReceiveCommandInterrupt(void) |
{ |
onEnterInterrupt(); |
unsigned long now = micros(); |
if (now < lastInterrupt + 20) |
{ |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; // don't react to our own actions |
} |
lastInterrupt = now; |
//debugState = !debugState; |
//owOutTestPin.write(debugState); |
//led.write(state); |
bool bit = readBit(); |
/*if (bit) |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR("received bit 1"); |
else |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR("received bit 0");*/ |
receivingByte |= ((bit ? 1 : 0) << receivingBitPos); |
++receivingBitPos; |
if (receivingBitPos == 8) |
{ |
byte receivedByte = receivingByte; |
receivingBitPos = 0; |
receivingByte = 0; |
//debug.SC_APPEND_STR_INT("received byte", (long)receivedByte); |
if (status == OS_WaitCommand && receivedByte == 0xF0) |
{ |
status = OS_SearchRom; |
searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit = false; |
searchROMSendingInverse = false; |
searchROMCurrentByte = 0; |
searchROMCurrentBit = 0; |
byte currentByte = owROM[searchROMCurrentByte]; |
searchRomNextBit = bitRead(currentByte, searchROMCurrentBit); |
searchRomNextBitToSend = searchROMSendingInverse ? !searchRomNextBit : searchRomNextBit; |
//attachInterrupt(InterruptNumber, onewireInterruptSearchROM, FALLING); |
setTimerEvent(10, owSearchSendBit); |
detachInterrupt(InterruptNumber); |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
} |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
} |
bool ignoreNextFallingEdge = false; |
void owSearchSendBit() |
{ |
onEnterInterrupt(); |
// wait for a falling edge (active wait is more reliable than interrupts to send the bit fast enough) |
while (!; |
while (; |
//sendBit(searchRomNextBitToSend); |
if (searchRomNextBitToSend) |
{ |
//delayMicroseconds(SendBitDuration); |
ignoreNextFallingEdge = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
owPullLow(); |
//delayMicroseconds(SendBitDuration); |
//owRelease(); |
ignoreNextFallingEdge = true; |
} |
unsigned long sendBitStart = micros(); |
if (searchROMSendingInverse) |
{ |
searchROMSendingInverse = false; |
searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
searchROMSendingInverse = true; |
} |
byte currentByte = owROM[searchROMCurrentByte]; |
searchRomNextBit = bitRead(currentByte, searchROMCurrentBit); |
searchRomNextBitToSend = searchROMSendingInverse ? !searchRomNextBit : searchRomNextBit; |
if (searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit) |
{ |
ignoreNextFallingEdge = true; |
attachInterrupt(InterruptNumber, onewireInterruptSearchROM, FALLING); |
} |
else |
{ |
setTimerEvent(10, owSearchSendBit); |
} |
delayMicroseconds(SendBitDuration - (micros() - sendBitStart)); |
owRelease(); |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
} |
void onewireInterruptSearchROM() |
{ |
onEnterInterrupt(); |
if (ignoreNextFallingEdge) |
{ |
ignoreNextFallingEdge = false; |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
if (searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit) |
{ |
bool bit = readBit(); |
if (bit != searchRomNextBit) |
{ |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR("Master didn't send our bit, leaving ROM search"); |
status = OS_WaitReset; |
attachInterrupt(InterruptNumber, owWaitResetInterrupt, CHANGE); |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit = false; |
++searchROMCurrentBit; |
if (searchROMCurrentBit == 8) |
{ |
++searchROMCurrentByte; |
searchROMCurrentBit = 0; |
//debug.SC_APPEND_STR("sent another ROM byte"); |
} |
if (searchROMCurrentByte == 8) |
{ |
searchROMCurrentByte = 0; |
status = OS_WaitReset; |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR("ROM sent entirely"); |
attachInterrupt(InterruptNumber, owWaitResetInterrupt, CHANGE); |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
byte currentByte = owROM[searchROMCurrentByte]; |
searchRomNextBit = bitRead(currentByte, searchROMCurrentBit); |
searchRomNextBitToSend = searchROMSendingInverse ? !searchRomNextBit : searchRomNextBit; |
setTimerEvent(10, owSearchSendBit); |
detachInterrupt(InterruptNumber); |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
return; |
} |
else |
{ |
sendBit(searchRomNextBitToSend); |
/*if (bitToSend) |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR("sent ROM search bit : 1"); |
else |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR("sent ROM search bit : 0");*/ |
if (searchROMSendingInverse) |
{ |
searchROMSendingInverse = false; |
searchROMReadingMasterResponseBit = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
searchROMSendingInverse = true; |
} |
} |
byte currentByte = owROM[searchROMCurrentByte]; |
searchRomNextBit = bitRead(currentByte, searchROMCurrentBit); |
searchRomNextBitToSend = searchROMSendingInverse ? !searchRomNextBit : searchRomNextBit; |
onLeaveInterrupt(); |
} |
bool readBit() |
{ |
delayMicroseconds(ReadBitSamplingTime); |
bool bit =; |
//owOutTestPin.write(!; |
//owOutTestPin.write(!; |
return bit; |
} |
void sendBit(bool bit) |
{ |
if (bit) |
{ |
delayMicroseconds(SendBitDuration); |
ignoreNextFallingEdge = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
owPullLow(); |
delayMicroseconds(SendBitDuration); |
owRelease(); |
ignoreNextFallingEdge = true; |
} |
} |
void beginPresence() |
{ |
unsigned long now = micros(); |
owPullLow(); |
setTimerEvent(PresenceDuration, &endPresence); |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR_TIME("reset", lastReset); |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR_TIME("beginPresence", now); |
} |
void endPresence() |
{ |
unsigned long now = micros(); |
owRelease(); |
debug.SC_APPEND_STR_TIME("endPresence", now); |
status = OS_WaitCommand; |
attachInterrupt(InterruptNumber, owReceiveCommandInterrupt, FALLING); |
receivingByte = 0; |
receivingBitPos = 0; |
bitStart = (unsigned long)-1; |
} |
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) // timer1 interrupt |
{ |
TCCR1B = 0; // disable clock |
void(*event)() = timerEvent; |
timerEvent = 0; |
if (event != 0) |
event(); |
} |
uint8_t crc8(char addr[], uint8_t len) { |
uint8_t crc = 0; |
while (len--) { |
uint8_t inbyte = *addr++; |
for (uint8_t i = 8; i; i--) { |
uint8_t mix = (crc ^ inbyte) & 0x01; |
crc >>= 1; |
if (mix) crc ^= 0x8C; |
inbyte >>= 1; |
} |
} |
return crc; |