oscilloscope burst mode test
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,14 +8,20 @@
// how many samples we want to skip between two samples we keep (can be used to lower the sampling frequency)
#define SkipSamples 0
byte regularEncodedFrequency;
byte burstEncodedFrequency;
const int BufferSize = 512;
int regularADCSRA;
int burstADCSRA;
const int BufferSize = 128;
const int BurstBufferSize = 1024;
byte buffer1[BufferSize];
byte buffer2[BufferSize];
byte* backBuffer = buffer1;
byte burstBuffer[BurstBufferSize];
volatile byte* backBuffer = buffer1;
volatile short backBufferPos = 0;
byte samplesSkipped = SkipSamples;
unsigned long backBufferStartTime = micros();
volatile unsigned long backBufferStartTime = micros();
SerialChannel oscilloscope("oscilloscope");
SerialChannel debug("debug");
@ -39,19 +45,34 @@ void setup()
ADMUX |= (1 << REFS0); //set reference voltage
ADMUX |= (1 << ADLAR); //left align the ADC value- so we can read highest 8 bits from ADCH register only
int ADPS = (1 << ADPS2) | (0 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
ADCSRA |= ADPS; //set ADC clock with 32 prescaler- 16mHz/32=500KHz ; 13 cycles for a conversion which means 38000 samples per second
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADATE); //enabble auto trigger
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE); //enable interrupts when measurement complete
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); //enable ADC
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //start ADC measurements
byte skipSamples = 0;
#if SkipSamples > 0
skipSamples = SkipSamples;
int ADPS = (1 << ADPS2) | (0 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
regularADCSRA = 0;
regularADCSRA |= ADPS; //set ADC clock with 32 prescaler- 16mHz/32=500KHz ; 13 cycles for a conversion which means 38000 samples per second
regularADCSRA |= (1 << ADATE); //enabble auto trigger
regularADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE); //enable interrupts when measurement complete
regularADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); //enable ADC
regularADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //start ADC measurements
regularEncodedFrequency = (byte)ADPS;
byte skipSamples = 0;
#if SkipSamples > 0
skipSamples = SkipSamples;
regularEncodedFrequency |= skipSamples << 3;
regularEncodedFrequency = (byte)ADPS;
regularEncodedFrequency |= skipSamples << 3;
ADPS = (0 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
burstADCSRA = 0;
burstADCSRA |= ADPS; //set ADC clock with 32 prescaler- 16mHz/32=500KHz ; 13 cycles for a conversion which means 38000 samples per second
burstADCSRA |= (1 << ADATE); //enabble auto trigger
burstADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE); //enable interrupts when measurement complete
burstADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); //enable ADC
burstADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //start ADC measurements
burstEncodedFrequency = (byte)ADPS;
burstEncodedFrequency |= skipSamples << 3;
sei();//enable interrupts
@ -60,20 +81,26 @@ void setup()
void loop()
while(backBufferPos < BufferSize / 2) ;
while(backBufferPos < BufferSize / 2 || (backBuffer == burstBuffer && backBufferPos < BurstBufferSize - 1)) ;
cli();//disable interrupts
byte* currentBuffer = backBuffer;
byte* currentBuffer = (byte*)backBuffer;
short currentBufferSize = backBufferPos;
backBuffer = (backBuffer == buffer1 ? buffer2 : buffer1);
backBufferPos = 0;
if(currentBuffer == burstBuffer)
sei();//enable interrupts
unsigned long currentBufferStartTime = backBufferStartTime;
backBufferStartTime = micros();
digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
byte encodedFrequency = currentBuffer == burstBuffer ? burstEncodedFrequency : regularEncodedFrequency;
//Serial.write(currentBuffer, currentBufferSize);
oscilloscope.beginWrite(currentBufferSize + 1, currentBufferStartTime);
oscilloscope.continueWrite(®ularEncodedFrequency, 1);
oscilloscope.continueWrite(&encodedFrequency, 1);
oscilloscope.continueWrite(currentBuffer, currentBufferSize);
@ -87,12 +114,31 @@ ISR(ADC_vect) {//when new ADC value ready
backBuffer[backBufferPos++] = sample;
if(backBufferPos >= BufferSize)
if(backBuffer == burstBuffer)
// overflow of back buffer, we loose the current sample
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
backBufferPos = BufferSize - 1;
if(backBufferPos >= BurstBufferSize)
backBufferPos = BurstBufferSize - 1;
if(backBufferPos >= BufferSize)
// overflow of back buffer, we loose the current sample
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
backBufferPos = BufferSize - 1;
// switch to burst mode if the trigger condition is met
/*if(backBuffer != burstBuffer && sample < 127)
backBuffer = burstBuffer;
backBufferPos = 0;
backBufferStartTime = micros();
void onewireInterrupt(void)
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