- fixed bug in Pin::attachInterrupt (this is an arduino bug : interrupts that have been triggered before the handler is attached will cause it to be called immediately ; but only interrupts happening after should call the handler)
- changed OneWireSlave interface to make it completely static (there is an instance, but it's only a wrapper to the static stuff, so that the syntax looks nice)
- the search rom algorithm works fine most of the time, but sometimes it fails, probably because of interrupts being blocked at the wrong time (small delay to respond to the master to send a zero)
///! Constructs a 1-wire slave that will be identified by the specified ROM (7 bytes, starting from the family code, CRC will be computed internally). Call enable to actually start listening for the 1-wire master.
///! Starts listening for the 1-wire master. Reset, Presence and SearchRom are handled automatically. The library will use interrupts on the pin specified in the constructor, as well as one hardware timer. Blocking interrupts (either by disabling them explicitely with sei/cli, or by spending time in another interrupt) can lead to malfunction of the library, due to tight timing for some 1-wire operations.
///! Starts listening for the 1-wire master, on the specified pin, as a virtual slave device identified by the specified ROM (7 bytes, starting from the family code, CRC will be computed internally). Reset, Presence, SearchRom and MatchRom are handled automatically. The library will use the external interrupt on the specified pin (note that this is usually not possible with all pins, depending on the board), as well as one hardware timer. Blocking interrupts (either by disabling them explicitely with sei/cli, or by spending time in another interrupt) can lead to malfunction of the library, due to tight timing for some 1-wire operations.
///! Stops all 1-wire activities, which frees hardware resources for other purposes.
///! Pops one byte from the receive buffer, or returns false if no byte has been received.