forked from youen/assembly_handbook
541 lines
23 KiB
541 lines
23 KiB
import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui
from datetime import datetime
def print_verbose(msg):
verbose = False
if verbose:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print(current_time, msg)
class RasterView:
def __init__(self, view):
self.source_view = view
doc = view.Document
self.image_file_name = doc.FileName.replace('.FCStd', '') + '_raster/' + view.Name + '.png'
def init_image_projection(self):
doc = self.source_view.Document
image_name = self.source_view.Label + "_raster"
image = doc.getObject(image_name)
if image is None:
return False
self.image_view = image
if image.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth > 0:
return True
return False
def init_image(self):
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench
doc = self.source_view.Document
page = workbench.techDrawExtensions.getViewPage(self.source_view)
image_name = self.source_view.Label + "_raster"
image = doc.getObject(image_name)
if image is None:
image = doc.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewImage', image_name)
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth", "Assembly_handbook")
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight", "Assembly_handbook")
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth", "Assembly_handbook")
image.addProperty("App::PropertyVector", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset", "Assembly_handbook")
if not image in page.Views:
new_views_list = page.Views
view_idx = new_views_list.index(self.source_view)
new_views_list.insert(view_idx, image)
page.Views = new_views_list
self.image_view = image
if image.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth > 0:
def _precompute_image_projection(self):
YDirection = self.source_view.Direction.cross(self.source_view.XDirection)
self.image_x_dir = self.source_view.XDirection / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth
self.image_y_dir = YDirection / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight
self.image_z_dir = self.source_view.Direction / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth
self.image_x_dir_inv = self.source_view.XDirection * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth
self.image_y_dir_inv = YDirection * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight
self.image_z_dir_inv = self.source_view.Direction * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth
def project3DPointToImageView(self, point3d):
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset
return App.Vector( + offset.x, + offset.y, + offset.z)
def project3DPointToSourceView(self, point3d):
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset
offset = App.Vector((offset.x-0.5) * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth, (offset.y-0.5) * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight, (offset.z-0.5) * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth)
#image_view_point = App.Vector(,,
#return App.Vector(image_view_point.x * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth, image_view_point.y * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight, 0)
YDirection = self.source_view.Direction.cross(self.source_view.XDirection)
return App.Vector( + offset.x, + offset.y, + offset.z)
def projectImageViewPointTo3D(self, point2d):
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset
p = point2d - offset
return self.image_x_dir_inv * p.x + self.image_y_dir_inv * p.y + self.image_z_dir_inv * p.z
def _flatten_objects_tree(self, obj_list):
result = []
for obj in obj_list:
if obj.TypeId == 'Part::FeaturePython' and hasattr(obj, 'LinkedObject'): # variant link
elif obj.TypeId in ['App::Link']:
elif obj.TypeId in ['App::Part', 'App::DocumentObjectGroup']:
elif self._should_render(obj) or self._should_render_as_is(obj) or obj.TypeId in ['PartDesign::CoordinateSystem', 'PartDesign::Line']:
if hasattr(obj, 'Group'):
return result
def _should_render(self, obj):
return obj.TypeId in ['Part::Feature', 'Part::FeaturePython', 'PartDesign::Body', 'Part::Mirroring', 'Part::Cut', 'Part::Part2DObjectPython', 'Part::MultiFuse', 'Part::Loft', 'Part::Torus', 'Part::Cylinder']
def _should_render_as_is(self, obj):
return obj.TypeId in ['App::FeaturePython']
def render(self, fast_render = True):
from pivy import coin
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops
import Part
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 9999999999 # allow very high resolution images
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench
view = self.source_view
print_verbose('Rasterizing ' + view.Label + " to " + self.image_file_name + "...")
dir = os.path.dirname(self.image_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(dir):
if 'Assembly_handbook_RasterSavedView' in view.PropertiesList and view.Assembly_handbook_RasterSavedView is not None:
tmp_doc = view.Assembly_handbook_RasterSavedView.Document
close_tmp_doc = False
tmp_doc = App.newDocument('tmp_raster', hidden=False, temp=False)
close_tmp_doc = True
transparent_background = True
if 'Assembly_handbook_TransparentBackground' in view.PropertiesList:
transparent_background = view.Assembly_handbook_TransparentBackground
objects_to_reset = {}
duplicated_parts = {}
print_verbose("Preparing scene...")
# Clean existing scene (if any)
sceneGroup = tmp_doc.getObject('Scene')
if sceneGroup is not None:
# construct new scene with links to the parts we want
sceneGroup = tmp_doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup', 'Scene')
prev_parts = []
new_parts = []
all_parts = view.XSource + view.Source
objects_to_hide = []
if 'Assembly_handbook_HideParts' in view.PropertiesList:
objects_to_hide = self._flatten_objects_tree(view.Assembly_handbook_HideParts)
for part in all_parts:
link = tmp_doc.addObject('App::Link', part.Name)
link.Label = part.Label
if part.TypeId == 'App::Link':
link.LinkedObject = part.LinkedObject
link.Placement = part.Placement
elif part.TypeId == 'Part::FeaturePython' and hasattr(part, 'LinkedObject'): # variant link
link.LinkedObject = part.LinkedObject
link.Placement = part.Placement
link.LinkedObject = part
if part.TypeId in ['Part::Part2DObjectPython']:
link.Placement = part.Placement
is_new_part = workbench.techDrawExtensions.isNewPartInView(view, part)
if not fast_render:
# check if another part with different render settings will conflict with ours
# a conflict occurs when two parts link to the same object (directly or indirectly), because render settings (such as color) are set at the object level
is_conflicting = False
if link.LinkedObject in duplicated_parts.keys():
link.LinkedObject = duplicated_parts[link.LinkedObject]
other_parts = prev_parts if is_new_part else new_parts
for other_part in other_parts:
other_objects = self._flatten_objects_tree([other_part])
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]):
if self._should_render(obj) and obj in other_objects:
is_conflicting = True
if is_conflicting:
# We must copy the part because otherwise we can't control the emissive color (link material override does not work for emissive color)
#print("conflict: " + link.LinkedObject.Document.Name + '#' + link.LinkedObject.Label)
shape_copy = Part.getShape(link.LinkedObject,'',needSubElement=False,refine=False)
part_copy = tmp_doc.addObject('Part::Feature','ShapeCopy')
part_copy.Shape = shape_copy
part_copy.Label = part.Label
duplicated_parts[link.LinkedObject] = part_copy
link.LinkedObject = part_copy
part_copy.ViewObject.Visibility = False
if is_new_part:
# hide objects that we don't want to display ; also make a backup of properties we want to reset after we're done
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]):
if obj in objects_to_reset.keys():
if self._should_render(obj) and not obj in objects_to_hide:
if not fast_render:
objects_to_reset[obj] = (
if not obj.ViewObject.Visibility:
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = (0, 0, 0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = (0, 0, 0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = (0, 0, 0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = (0, 0, 0)
objects_to_reset[obj] = (
obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
tmp_doc_view = Gui.getDocument(tmp_doc.Name).mdiViewsOfType('Gui::View3DInventor')[0]
cam = tmp_doc_view.getCameraNode()
rot = coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1,0,0), coin.SbVec3f(view.XDirection.x,view.XDirection.y,view.XDirection.z))
rot *= coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,1), coin.SbVec3f(view.Direction.x,view.Direction.y,view.Direction.z))
targetViewVolume = None
targetViewVolume = view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolume
if targetViewVolume is None:
sceneGroup.ViewObject.Visibility = False
viewVolumeLink = tmp_doc.addObject('App::Link', 'ViewVolume')
viewVolumeLink.LinkedObject = targetViewVolume
viewVolumeLink.Placement = targetViewVolume.Placement
sceneGroup.ViewObject.Visibility = True
print_verbose("Near=" + str(cam.nearDistance.getValue()) + ", far="+str(cam.farDistance.getValue()))
cam.nearDistance.setValue(cam.nearDistance.getValue() - 1000)
cam.farDistance.setValue(cam.farDistance.getValue() + 1000)
viewVolume = cam.getViewVolume(0.0)
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth = viewVolume.getWidth()
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight = viewVolume.getHeight()
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth = viewVolume.getDepth()
max_res = 3200
#max_res = 1500
resolution = [
int(viewVolume.getWidth() * view.Scale * 10),
int(viewVolume.getHeight() * view.Scale * 10)
if resolution[0] > max_res:
resolution[1] = int(resolution[1] * max_res / resolution[0])
resolution[0] = int(max_res)
if resolution[1] > max_res:
resolution[0] = int(resolution[0] * max_res / resolution[1])
resolution[1] = int(max_res)
if fast_render:
print_verbose("Fast rasterization...")
composite_img = self._render_lines(tmp_doc, resolution, prev_parts + new_parts, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), [])
# render old parts in gray lines
print_verbose("Rendering old parts (gray)...")
prev_parts_img = self._render_lines(tmp_doc, resolution, prev_parts, (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), [], fast_render)
# render new parts in black lines (old parts can mask them)
print_verbose("Rendering new parts (black)...")
new_parts_img = self._render_lines(tmp_doc, resolution, new_parts, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), prev_parts, fast_render)
# create the composite image
print_verbose("Compositing images...")
composite_img = prev_parts_img.copy()
composite_img.paste(new_parts_img, None, new_parts_img)
# Optimize the image to reduce storage size
if not fast_render:
print_verbose("Optimizing PNG size...")
num_colors = 32
# All-or-nothing alpha: we use a white background and only make pixels fully transparent where alpha is zero, to not loose antialiasing
bg_img =, composite_img.size, color = '#ffffff')
bg_img.paste(composite_img.convert('RGB'), composite_img)
final_alpha = composite_img.split()[3].point(lambda p: 0 if p <= int(255/num_colors+0.5) else 255)
if not transparent_background:
final_alpha = final_alpha.point(lambda p: 255)
composite_img = bg_img
# Convert to indexed colors
composite_img = composite_img.quantize(colors=num_colors, dither=Image.Dither.NONE)
print_verbose("Cleaning scene...")
#raise Exception("test")
# restore properties on objects we have modified
for obj, props in objects_to_reset.items():
obj.ViewObject.Visibility = props[0]
if self._should_render(obj) and not obj in objects_to_hide:
obj.ViewObject.LineColor = props[1]
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = props[2]
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = props[3]
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = props[4]
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = props[5]
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth = props[6]
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = props[7]
obj.ViewObject.PointMaterial.Transparency = 0
# remove the temporary document
if close_tmp_doc:
print_verbose("Finalizing view...")
# Crop the image, which is also used to deduce the center of the source view
original_size = composite_img.size
diff_source_img = composite_img.split()[-1]
bg =, diff_source_img.size, '#000000') # fills an image with the background color
diff = ImageChops.difference(diff_source_img, bg) # diff between the actual image and the background color
bbox = diff.getbbox() # finds border size (non-black portion of the image)
composite_img = composite_img.crop(bbox)
'''draw = ImageDraw.Draw(composite_img)
def debugPoint(p3d):
p2d = self.project3DPointToImageView(p3d)
pp = App.Vector(p2d.x * original_size[0] - bbox[0], (1.0-p2d.y) * original_size[1] - bbox[1])
#print('pp', pp)
len = 100
draw.line([(pp.x, pp.y-len), (pp.x, pp.y+len)], fill=128, width = 7)
draw.line([(pp.x-len, pp.y), (pp.x+len, pp.y)], fill=128, width = 7)
debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, 37.5, 25.0))
debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, -1387.5, 25.0))
debugPoint(App.Vector(131.23702882966705, -655.0000021095163, 145.21130178331268))'''
sb_offset = viewVolume.projectToScreen(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,0))
crop_offset = App.Vector(((bbox[0] + bbox[2])/2 - original_size[0]/2)/original_size[0], ((bbox[1] + bbox[3])/2 - original_size[1]/2)/original_size[1], 0)
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset = App.Vector(sb_offset[0] - crop_offset.x, sb_offset[1] + crop_offset.y, sb_offset[2])
p2dA = self.project3DPointToImageView(App.Vector(0,0,0))
p2dB = self.project3DPointToImageView(view.XDirection)
image_scale = view.Scale / (p2dB.x - p2dA.x) / original_size[0] * 10
# display the image in the view
image = self.image_view
image.ImageFile = ""
image.Scale = image_scale
image.X = view.X
image.Y = view.Y
image.ImageFile = self.image_file_name
image.ViewObject.Crop = True
image.Width = composite_img.size[0] * image_scale / 10.0 * 1.01
image.Height = composite_img.size[1] * image_scale / 10.0 * 1.01
def _render_lines(self, doc, resolution, parts, line_color, masking_parts, fast_render = True):
import tempfile
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter
doc_view = Gui.getDocument(doc.Name).mdiViewsOfType('Gui::View3DInventor')[0]
# render lines in blue, background in red, fill shapes in green
# the green band contains the lines image, the red band contains the inverted alpha layer
# if there is a clipping plane set with "Fill clip plane", the blue band contains the intersection with the clip plane
configured = []
print_verbose('Preparing objects for line rendering...')
for link in doc.findObjects():
if link in parts or link in masking_parts:
link.ViewObject.Visibility = True
# in current version of freecad, link override material does not allow to override all material properties, for example emissive color, so we have to change material of the linked object
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]):
if obj in configured: continue
if self._should_render(obj) and not fast_render:
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = 'Flat Lines'
obj.ViewObject.PointMaterial.Transparency = 1.0 # hide points
obj.ViewObject.LineColor = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) if link in parts else (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) if link in parts else (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# We need to set two different values otherwise freecad does not always update LineWidth of sub-elements
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth = 1.0
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth = 2.0
link.ViewObject.Visibility = False
print_verbose('Rendering lines...')
temp_file_name = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/ahb_temp_image.png"
#temp_file_name = "/home/youen/tmp/ahb_temp_image.png"
doc_view.saveImage(temp_file_name, resolution[0]+2, resolution[1]+2, "#ff00ff") # we add 1 pixel border that we will need to crop later
lines_bands_img = self._read_image(temp_file_name)
lines_bands = lines_bands_img.split()
lines_img = lines_bands[1]
alpha_img = lines_bands[0].point(lambda p: 255 - p)
clip_img = lines_bands[2]
generate_outlines = not fast_render
#generate_outlines = False
if generate_outlines:
# Render all shapes with different colors, in order to extract outlines (where color changes)
# This is needed because FreeCAD does not render lines on the boundary of curve shapes, such as spheres or cylinders
# The technique could be improved by using the depth buffer instead, in order to detect boundaries within the same object
print_verbose('Preparing objects for outline rendering...')
step = 8
r = step
g = step
b = step
configured = []
for link in doc.findObjects():
if link in parts or link in masking_parts:
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]):
if obj in configured: continue
if self._should_render(obj) and obj.TypeId != 'Part::Part2DObjectPython':
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = 'Shaded'
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = (r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 0.0) if link in parts else (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
r = r + step
if r >= 256 - step:
r = step
g = g + step
if g >= 256 - step:
g = step
b = b + step
if b >= 256 - step:
b = step
obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
print_verbose('Rendering shapes...')
doc_view.saveImage(temp_file_name, (resolution[0]+2)*2, (resolution[1]+2)*2, "#ffffff") # shapes are rendered at twice the resolution for antialiasing
shapes_img = self._read_image(temp_file_name)
print_verbose('Extracting outlines...')
outlines_img = None
for x in range(0, 3):
for y in range(0, 3):
if x == 1 and y == 1: continue
kernel = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
kernel[y * 3 + x] = -1
partial_outlines = shapes_img.filter(ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), kernel, 1, 127))
partial_outlines = partial_outlines.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 127 else 0)
partial_outlines = partial_outlines.convert("L")
partial_outlines = partial_outlines.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 255 else 0)
if outlines_img is None:
outlines_img = partial_outlines
outlines_img.paste(partial_outlines, None, partial_outlines.point(lambda p: 0 if p == 255 else 255))
print_verbose('Combining lines and outlines...')
lines_fullres = lines_img.resize(outlines_img.size, Image.NEAREST)
lines_fullres.paste(outlines_img, None, outlines_img.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 0 else 0))
#lines_fullres.paste(255, alpha_fullres.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 0 else 0))
all_lines = lines_fullres.resize(lines_img.size, Image.BILINEAR)
#all_lines = lines_img.copy()
alpha_fullres = alpha_img.resize(outlines_img.size, Image.NEAREST)
alpha_fullres.paste(outlines_img.point(lambda p: 255), None, outlines_img.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 0 else 0))
alpha_img = alpha_fullres.resize(all_lines.size, Image.BILINEAR)
all_lines = lines_img
alpha_img = alpha_img.point(lambda p: 0 if p == 0 else 255)
# colorize final image
print_verbose('Colorizing image...')
fill_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
result = Image.merge("RGBA", [
all_lines.point(lambda p: int(fill_color[0] * p + line_color[0] * (255.0 - p))),
all_lines.point(lambda p: int(fill_color[1] * p + line_color[1] * (255.0 - p))),
all_lines.point(lambda p: int(fill_color[2] * p + line_color[2] * (255.0 - p))),
# set clip color
if not fast_render:
clip_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
colorized_clip_img = Image.merge("RGB", [
clip_img.point(lambda p: int(clip_color[0] * (255.0 - p))),
clip_img.point(lambda p: int(clip_color[1] * (255.0 - p))),
clip_img.point(lambda p: int(clip_color[2] * (255.0 - p)))
result.paste(colorized_clip_img, clip_img.point(lambda p: 255 - p))
# crop 1px borders
result = result.crop((1, 1, result.size[0] - 1, result.size[1] - 1))
return result
def _read_image(self, file_name):
from PIL import Image
with as image:
return image.copy() |