@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
import FreeCAD as App |
import FreeCADGui as Gui |
from datetime import datetime |
def print_verbose(msg): |
verbose = False |
if verbose: |
now = datetime.now() |
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") |
print(current_time, msg) |
class RasterView: |
def __init__(self, view): |
self.source_view = view |
doc = view.Document |
self.image_file_name = doc.FileName.replace('.FCStd', '') + '_raster/' + view.Name + '.png' |
def init_image_projection(self): |
doc = self.source_view.Document |
image_name = self.source_view.Label + "_raster" |
image = doc.getObject(image_name) |
if image is None: |
return False |
self.image_view = image |
if image.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth > 0: |
self._precompute_image_projection() |
return True |
return False |
def init_image(self): |
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench |
doc = self.source_view.Document |
page = workbench.techDrawExtensions.getViewPage(self.source_view) |
image_name = self.source_view.Label + "_raster" |
image = doc.getObject(image_name) |
if image is None: |
image = doc.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewImage', image_name) |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth", "Assembly_handbook") |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight", "Assembly_handbook") |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth", "Assembly_handbook") |
image.addProperty("App::PropertyVector", "Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset", "Assembly_handbook") |
if not image in page.Views: |
page.addView(image) |
new_views_list = page.Views |
new_views_list.remove(image) |
view_idx = new_views_list.index(self.source_view) |
new_views_list.insert(view_idx, image) |
page.Views = new_views_list |
self.image_view = image |
if image.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth > 0: |
self._precompute_image_projection() |
def _precompute_image_projection(self): |
YDirection = self.source_view.Direction.cross(self.source_view.XDirection) |
self.image_x_dir = self.source_view.XDirection / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth |
self.image_y_dir = YDirection / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight |
self.image_z_dir = self.source_view.Direction / self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth |
self.image_x_dir_inv = self.source_view.XDirection * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth |
self.image_y_dir_inv = YDirection * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight |
self.image_z_dir_inv = self.source_view.Direction * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth |
def project3DPointToImageView(self, point3d): |
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset |
return App.Vector(self.image_x_dir.dot(point3d) + offset.x, self.image_y_dir.dot(point3d) + offset.y, self.image_z_dir.dot(point3d) + offset.z) |
def project3DPointToSourceView(self, point3d): |
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset |
offset = App.Vector((offset.x-0.5) * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth, (offset.y-0.5) * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight, (offset.z-0.5) * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth) |
#image_view_point = App.Vector(self.image_x_dir.dot(point3d), self.image_y_dir.dot(point3d), self.image_z_dir.dot(point3d)) |
#return App.Vector(image_view_point.x * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth, image_view_point.y * self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight, 0) |
YDirection = self.source_view.Direction.cross(self.source_view.XDirection) |
return App.Vector(self.source_view.XDirection.dot(point3d) + offset.x, YDirection.dot(point3d) + offset.y, self.image_z_dir.dot(point3d) + offset.z) |
def projectImageViewPointTo3D(self, point2d): |
offset = self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset |
p = point2d - offset |
return self.image_x_dir_inv * p.x + self.image_y_dir_inv * p.y + self.image_z_dir_inv * p.z |
def _flatten_objects_tree(self, obj_list): |
result = [] |
for obj in obj_list: |
if obj.TypeId == 'Part::FeaturePython' and hasattr(obj, 'LinkedObject'): # variant link |
result.extend(self._flatten_objects_tree(obj.Group)) |
elif obj.TypeId in ['App::Link']: |
result.extend(self._flatten_objects_tree([obj.LinkedObject])) |
elif obj.TypeId in ['App::Part', 'App::DocumentObjectGroup']: |
result.extend(self._flatten_objects_tree(obj.Group)) |
elif self._should_render(obj) or self._should_render_as_is(obj) or obj.TypeId in ['PartDesign::CoordinateSystem', 'PartDesign::Line']: |
result.append(obj) |
if hasattr(obj, 'Group'): |
result.extend(self._flatten_objects_tree(obj.Group)) |
return result |
def _should_render(self, obj): |
return obj.TypeId in ['Part::Feature', 'Part::FeaturePython', 'PartDesign::Body', 'Part::Mirroring', 'Part::Cut', 'Part::Part2DObjectPython', 'Part::MultiFuse', 'Part::Loft', 'Part::Torus', 'Part::Cylinder'] |
def _should_render_as_is(self, obj): |
return obj.TypeId in ['App::FeaturePython'] |
def render(self, fast_render = True): |
from pivy import coin |
import os |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops |
import Part |
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 9999999999 # allow very high resolution images |
workbench = Gui.getWorkbench("AssemblyHandbookWorkbench") #: :type workbench: AssemblyHandbookWorkbench |
view = self.source_view |
self.init_image() |
print_verbose('Rasterizing ' + view.Label + " to " + self.image_file_name + "...") |
dir = os.path.dirname(self.image_file_name) |
if not os.path.exists(dir): |
os.makedirs(dir) |
if 'Assembly_handbook_RasterSavedView' in view.PropertiesList and view.Assembly_handbook_RasterSavedView is not None: |
tmp_doc = view.Assembly_handbook_RasterSavedView.Document |
close_tmp_doc = False |
else: |
tmp_doc = App.newDocument('tmp_raster', hidden=False, temp=False) |
close_tmp_doc = True |
transparent_background = True |
if 'Assembly_handbook_TransparentBackground' in view.PropertiesList: |
transparent_background = view.Assembly_handbook_TransparentBackground |
objects_to_reset = {} |
duplicated_parts = {} |
try: |
print_verbose("Preparing scene...") |
# Clean existing scene (if any) |
sceneGroup = tmp_doc.getObject('Scene') |
if sceneGroup is not None: |
sceneGroup.removeObjectsFromDocument() |
tmp_doc.removeObject(sceneGroup.Name) |
# construct new scene with links to the parts we want |
sceneGroup = tmp_doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup', 'Scene') |
prev_parts = [] |
new_parts = [] |
all_parts = view.XSource + view.Source |
objects_to_hide = [] |
if 'Assembly_handbook_HideParts' in view.PropertiesList: |
objects_to_hide = self._flatten_objects_tree(view.Assembly_handbook_HideParts) |
for part in all_parts: |
link = tmp_doc.addObject('App::Link', part.Name) |
link.Label = part.Label |
if part.TypeId == 'App::Link': |
link.LinkedObject = part.LinkedObject |
link.Placement = part.Placement |
elif part.TypeId == 'Part::FeaturePython' and hasattr(part, 'LinkedObject'): # variant link |
link.LinkedObject = part.LinkedObject |
link.Placement = part.Placement |
else: |
link.LinkedObject = part |
if part.TypeId in ['Part::Part2DObjectPython']: |
link.Placement = part.Placement |
is_new_part = workbench.techDrawExtensions.isNewPartInView(view, part) |
if not fast_render: |
# check if another part with different render settings will conflict with ours |
# a conflict occurs when two parts link to the same object (directly or indirectly), because render settings (such as color) are set at the object level |
is_conflicting = False |
if link.LinkedObject in duplicated_parts.keys(): |
link.LinkedObject = duplicated_parts[link.LinkedObject] |
else: |
other_parts = prev_parts if is_new_part else new_parts |
for other_part in other_parts: |
other_objects = self._flatten_objects_tree([other_part]) |
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]): |
if self._should_render(obj) and obj in other_objects: |
is_conflicting = True |
if is_conflicting: |
# We must copy the part because otherwise we can't control the emissive color (link material override does not work for emissive color) |
#print("conflict: " + link.LinkedObject.Document.Name + '#' + link.LinkedObject.Label) |
shape_copy = Part.getShape(link.LinkedObject,'',needSubElement=False,refine=False) |
part_copy = tmp_doc.addObject('Part::Feature','ShapeCopy') |
part_copy.Shape = shape_copy |
part_copy.Label = part.Label |
duplicated_parts[link.LinkedObject] = part_copy |
link.LinkedObject = part_copy |
part_copy.ViewObject.Visibility = False |
sceneGroup.addObject(link) |
if is_new_part: |
new_parts.append(link) |
else: |
prev_parts.append(link) |
# hide objects that we don't want to display ; also make a backup of properties we want to reset after we're done |
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]): |
if obj in objects_to_reset.keys(): |
continue |
if self._should_render(obj) and not obj in objects_to_hide: |
if not fast_render: |
objects_to_reset[obj] = ( |
obj.ViewObject.Visibility, |
obj.ViewObject.LineColor, |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor, |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor, |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor, |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor, |
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth, |
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode |
) |
if not obj.ViewObject.Visibility: |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = (0, 0, 0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = (0, 0, 0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = (0, 0, 0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = (0, 0, 0) |
else: |
objects_to_reset[obj] = ( |
obj.ViewObject.Visibility, |
) |
obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False |
tmp_doc_view = Gui.getDocument(tmp_doc.Name).mdiViewsOfType('Gui::View3DInventor')[0] |
cam = tmp_doc_view.getCameraNode() |
rot = coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1,0,0), coin.SbVec3f(view.XDirection.x,view.XDirection.y,view.XDirection.z)) |
rot *= coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,1), coin.SbVec3f(view.Direction.x,view.Direction.y,view.Direction.z)) |
cam.orientation.setValue(rot) |
targetViewVolume = None |
try: |
targetViewVolume = view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolume |
except: |
pass |
if targetViewVolume is None: |
tmp_doc_view.fitAll() |
else: |
sceneGroup.ViewObject.Visibility = False |
viewVolumeLink = tmp_doc.addObject('App::Link', 'ViewVolume') |
viewVolumeLink.LinkedObject = targetViewVolume |
viewVolumeLink.Placement = targetViewVolume.Placement |
tmp_doc_view.fitAll() |
tmp_doc.removeObject(viewVolumeLink.Name) |
sceneGroup.ViewObject.Visibility = True |
print_verbose("Near=" + str(cam.nearDistance.getValue()) + ", far="+str(cam.farDistance.getValue())) |
cam.nearDistance.setValue(cam.nearDistance.getValue() - 1000) |
cam.farDistance.setValue(cam.farDistance.getValue() + 1000) |
viewVolume = cam.getViewVolume(0.0) |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeWidth = viewVolume.getWidth() |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeHeight = viewVolume.getHeight() |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeDepth = viewVolume.getDepth() |
max_res = 3200 |
#max_res = 1500 |
resolution = [ |
int(viewVolume.getWidth() * view.Scale * 10), |
int(viewVolume.getHeight() * view.Scale * 10) |
] |
if resolution[0] > max_res: |
resolution[1] = int(resolution[1] * max_res / resolution[0]) |
resolution[0] = int(max_res) |
if resolution[1] > max_res: |
resolution[0] = int(resolution[0] * max_res / resolution[1]) |
resolution[1] = int(max_res) |
if fast_render: |
print_verbose("Fast rasterization...") |
composite_img = self._render_lines(tmp_doc, resolution, prev_parts + new_parts, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), []) |
else: |
# render old parts in gray lines |
print_verbose("Rendering old parts (gray)...") |
prev_parts_img = self._render_lines(tmp_doc, resolution, prev_parts, (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), [], fast_render) |
# render new parts in black lines (old parts can mask them) |
print_verbose("Rendering new parts (black)...") |
new_parts_img = self._render_lines(tmp_doc, resolution, new_parts, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), prev_parts, fast_render) |
# create the composite image |
print_verbose("Compositing images...") |
composite_img = prev_parts_img.copy() |
composite_img.paste(new_parts_img, None, new_parts_img) |
# Optimize the image to reduce storage size |
if not fast_render: |
print_verbose("Optimizing PNG size...") |
num_colors = 32 |
# All-or-nothing alpha: we use a white background and only make pixels fully transparent where alpha is zero, to not loose antialiasing |
bg_img = Image.new(composite_img.mode, composite_img.size, color = '#ffffff') |
bg_img.paste(composite_img.convert('RGB'), composite_img) |
final_alpha = composite_img.split()[3].point(lambda p: 0 if p <= int(255/num_colors+0.5) else 255) |
if not transparent_background: |
final_alpha = final_alpha.point(lambda p: 255) |
composite_img = bg_img |
composite_img.putalpha(final_alpha) |
# Convert to indexed colors |
composite_img = composite_img.quantize(colors=num_colors, dither=Image.Dither.NONE) |
finally: |
print_verbose("Cleaning scene...") |
#raise Exception("test") |
# restore properties on objects we have modified |
for obj, props in objects_to_reset.items(): |
obj.ViewObject.Visibility = props[0] |
if self._should_render(obj) and not obj in objects_to_hide: |
obj.ViewObject.LineColor = props[1] |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = props[2] |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = props[3] |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = props[4] |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = props[5] |
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth = props[6] |
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = props[7] |
obj.ViewObject.PointMaterial.Transparency = 0 |
# remove the temporary document |
if close_tmp_doc: |
App.closeDocument(tmp_doc.Name) |
print_verbose("Finalizing view...") |
# Crop the image, which is also used to deduce the center of the source view |
original_size = composite_img.size |
diff_source_img = composite_img.split()[-1] |
bg = Image.new(diff_source_img.mode, diff_source_img.size, '#000000') # fills an image with the background color |
diff = ImageChops.difference(diff_source_img, bg) # diff between the actual image and the background color |
bbox = diff.getbbox() # finds border size (non-black portion of the image) |
composite_img = composite_img.crop(bbox) |
'''draw = ImageDraw.Draw(composite_img) |
def debugPoint(p3d): |
p2d = self.project3DPointToImageView(p3d) |
pp = App.Vector(p2d.x * original_size[0] - bbox[0], (1.0-p2d.y) * original_size[1] - bbox[1]) |
#print('pp', pp) |
len = 100 |
draw.line([(pp.x, pp.y-len), (pp.x, pp.y+len)], fill=128, width = 7) |
draw.line([(pp.x-len, pp.y), (pp.x+len, pp.y)], fill=128, width = 7) |
debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, 37.5, 25.0)) |
debugPoint(App.Vector(-12.5, -1387.5, 25.0)) |
debugPoint(App.Vector(131.23702882966705, -655.0000021095163, 145.21130178331268))''' |
composite_img.save(self.image_file_name) |
sb_offset = viewVolume.projectToScreen(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,0)) |
crop_offset = App.Vector(((bbox[0] + bbox[2])/2 - original_size[0]/2)/original_size[0], ((bbox[1] + bbox[3])/2 - original_size[1]/2)/original_size[1], 0) |
self.image_view.Assembly_handbook_ViewVolumeOffset = App.Vector(sb_offset[0] - crop_offset.x, sb_offset[1] + crop_offset.y, sb_offset[2]) |
self._precompute_image_projection() |
p2dA = self.project3DPointToImageView(App.Vector(0,0,0)) |
p2dB = self.project3DPointToImageView(view.XDirection) |
image_scale = view.Scale / (p2dB.x - p2dA.x) / original_size[0] * 10 |
# display the image in the view |
image = self.image_view |
image.ImageFile = "" |
image.Scale = image_scale |
image.X = view.X |
image.Y = view.Y |
image.ImageFile = self.image_file_name |
image.ViewObject.Crop = True |
image.Width = composite_img.size[0] * image_scale / 10.0 * 1.01 |
image.Height = composite_img.size[1] * image_scale / 10.0 * 1.01 |
image.recompute() |
print_verbose("Done") |
def _render_lines(self, doc, resolution, parts, line_color, masking_parts, fast_render = True): |
import tempfile |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter |
doc_view = Gui.getDocument(doc.Name).mdiViewsOfType('Gui::View3DInventor')[0] |
# render lines in blue, background in red, fill shapes in green |
# the green band contains the lines image, the red band contains the inverted alpha layer |
# if there is a clipping plane set with "Fill clip plane", the blue band contains the intersection with the clip plane |
configured = [] |
print_verbose('Preparing objects for line rendering...') |
for link in doc.findObjects(): |
if link in parts or link in masking_parts: |
link.ViewObject.Visibility = True |
# in current version of freecad, link override material does not allow to override all material properties, for example emissive color, so we have to change material of the linked object |
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]): |
if obj in configured: continue |
configured.append(obj) |
if self._should_render(obj) and not fast_render: |
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = 'Flat Lines' |
obj.ViewObject.PointMaterial.Transparency = 1.0 # hide points |
obj.ViewObject.LineColor = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) if link in parts else (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) if link in parts else (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) |
# We need to set two different values otherwise freecad does not always update LineWidth of sub-elements |
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth = 1.0 |
obj.ViewObject.LineWidth = 3.0 |
else: |
link.ViewObject.Visibility = False |
print_verbose('Rendering lines...') |
temp_file_name = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/ahb_temp_image.png" |
#temp_file_name = "/home/youen/tmp/ahb_temp_image.png" |
doc_view.saveImage(temp_file_name, resolution[0]+2, resolution[1]+2, "#ff00ff") # we add 1 pixel border that we will need to crop later |
lines_bands_img = self._read_image(temp_file_name) |
lines_bands = lines_bands_img.split() |
lines_img = lines_bands[1] |
alpha_img = lines_bands[0].point(lambda p: 255 - p) |
clip_img = lines_bands[2] |
generate_outlines = not fast_render |
#generate_outlines = False |
if generate_outlines: |
# Render all shapes with different colors, in order to extract outlines (where color changes) |
# This is needed because FreeCAD does not render lines on the boundary of curve shapes, such as spheres or cylinders |
# The technique could be improved by using the depth buffer instead, in order to detect boundaries within the same object |
print_verbose('Preparing objects for outline rendering...') |
step = 8 |
r = step |
g = step |
b = step |
configured = [] |
for link in doc.findObjects(): |
if link in parts or link in masking_parts: |
for obj in self._flatten_objects_tree([link]): |
if obj in configured: continue |
configured.append(obj) |
if self._should_render(obj) and obj.TypeId != 'Part::Part2DObjectPython': |
configured.append(obj) |
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = 'Shaded' |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
obj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = (r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 0.0) if link in parts else (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) |
r = r + step |
if r >= 256 - step: |
r = step |
g = g + step |
if g >= 256 - step: |
g = step |
b = b + step |
if b >= 256 - step: |
b = step |
else: |
obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False |
print_verbose('Rendering shapes...') |
doc_view.saveImage(temp_file_name, (resolution[0]+2)*2, (resolution[1]+2)*2, "#ffffff") # shapes are rendered at twice the resolution for antialiasing |
shapes_img = self._read_image(temp_file_name) |
print_verbose('Extracting outlines...') |
outlines_img = None |
for x in range(0, 5): |
for y in range(0, 5): |
if x == 2 and y == 2: continue |
if (x-2)*(x-2) + (y-2)+(y-2) > 4: continue |
kernel = [0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0] |
kernel[y * 5 + x] = -1 |
partial_outlines = shapes_img.filter(ImageFilter.Kernel((5, 5), kernel, 1, 127)) |
partial_outlines = partial_outlines.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 127 else 0) |
partial_outlines = partial_outlines.convert("L") |
partial_outlines = partial_outlines.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 255 else 0) |
if outlines_img is None: |
outlines_img = partial_outlines |
else: |
outlines_img.paste(partial_outlines, None, partial_outlines.point(lambda p: 0 if p == 255 else 255)) |
print_verbose('Combining lines and outlines...') |
lines_fullres = lines_img.resize(outlines_img.size, Image.NEAREST) |
lines_fullres.paste(outlines_img, None, outlines_img.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 0 else 0)) |
#lines_fullres.paste(255, alpha_fullres.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 0 else 0)) |
all_lines = lines_fullres.resize(lines_img.size, Image.BILINEAR) |
#all_lines = lines_img.copy() |
alpha_fullres = alpha_img.resize(outlines_img.size, Image.NEAREST) |
alpha_fullres.paste(outlines_img.point(lambda p: 255), None, outlines_img.point(lambda p: 255 if p == 0 else 0)) |
alpha_img = alpha_fullres.resize(all_lines.size, Image.BILINEAR) |
else: |
all_lines = lines_img |
alpha_img = alpha_img.point(lambda p: 0 if p == 0 else 255) |
# colorize final image |
print_verbose('Colorizing image...') |
fill_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) |
result = Image.merge("RGBA", [ |
all_lines.point(lambda p: int(fill_color[0] * p + line_color[0] * (255.0 - p))), |
all_lines.point(lambda p: int(fill_color[1] * p + line_color[1] * (255.0 - p))), |
all_lines.point(lambda p: int(fill_color[2] * p + line_color[2] * (255.0 - p))), |
alpha_img |
]) |
# set clip color |
if not fast_render: |
clip_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) |
colorized_clip_img = Image.merge("RGB", [ |
clip_img.point(lambda p: int(clip_color[0] * (255.0 - p))), |
clip_img.point(lambda p: int(clip_color[1] * (255.0 - p))), |
clip_img.point(lambda p: int(clip_color[2] * (255.0 - p))) |
]) |
result.paste(colorized_clip_img, clip_img.point(lambda p: 255 - p)) |
# crop 1px borders |
result = result.crop((1, 1, result.size[0] - 1, result.size[1] - 1)) |
return result |
def _read_image(self, file_name): |
from PIL import Image |
with Image.open(file_name) as image: |
return image.copy() |